Module production for the outer tracker of LHCb

1. announcement of next meetings

next technical  meeting  will be on july 12 at heidelberg

      tentative agenda:
 -experiences  of first modules. Final adjustment of prduction and test procedures
- discussion of test results
- set up of production schedules for all sites and long term planning

2. summaries of technical meetings

       Crakow 25.9.03       Warsaw 26.9.03
         NIKHEF 07.11.03
         NIKHEF  27.1.04
        Crakow 6.2.04
         Warsaw 5.2.04
         Heidelberg 11./12.03.04
         Crakow 17.3.04 (panels/Antonio)


         summaries of telephone conferences

3. technical notes

       status of module production (OTR meeting CERN 25.2.04)
            improvements of machinery to confection straws (12.03.04)

            instructions how to build a module (under development)
access to Sebastions production page: cleaning instructions, mixing glue, time estimates ...
         Instructions for leak test of modules
                Instruction for HV tests of modules with Fe55 source 

4. survey of module production and material stocks

       first 10% of modules april-june 04
       40% of modules july-december04