Dr. Bastian Märkisch
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Jump to: Research | Personal Data | Education | Experience | Teaching | Publications | |
Spokesperson | PERC collaboration |
Project Leader | Perkeo III |
Instrument Scientist (2009-2010) | Nuclear & Particle Physics beam line PF1b, ILL, Grenoble |
Date of birth | 16.10.1974 |
Place of birth | Ruit auf den Fildern, Germany |
Marital status | Married |
Oct 2006 | Ph.D. in experimental physics (Dr. rer. nat.) Universität Heidelberg, Germany |
Feb 2003 | Diploma in Physics Universität Heidelberg, Germany |
1999-2000 | Student University of Edinburgh, Scotland |
2015-present | Assistant Professor, Particle Physics at Low Energies Physik-Department Technische Universität München, Germany |
2010-present | Group leader within the
DFG priority programme "Precision experiments in particle- and astrophysics with cold and ultracold neutrons"
Universität Heidelberg, Germany |
2009-2010 | Scientist Institut Laue-Langevin (ILL), Grenoble, France |
2006-2009 | Postdoc Universität Heidelberg, Germany |
2003-2006 | Ph.D student Universität Heidelberg, Germany |
Member of Subcommittee 3 “Nuclear and Particle Physics” of the Institut Laue-Langevin, Grenoble, France | |
Scientific and Technical Advisory Panel for Fundamental and Particle Physics at the European Spallation Source (2013-2014) | |
Program Advisory Committee of the 8th International Workshop on the CKM Unitarity Triangle (CKM2014), Vienna, Austria | |
Seminar Neutronen- und Spinechophysik | |
WS13/14: Seminar Präzisionsexperimente | |
SS13: Tutorial Particle Physics (VPP13) | |
WS12/13: Seminar Präzisionsexperimente | |
SS12: Übungsgruppen Physik B | |
WS11/12: Übungsgruppen Physik A | |
Measurement of the Axial-Vector Coupling Constant gA in Neutron Beta Decay
High Precision Experiments with Cold and Ultra-Cold Neutrons
The point spread function of electrons in a magnetic field, and the decay of the free neutron
Systematic advantages of pulsed beams for measurements of correlation coefficients in neutron decay
Determination of the Weak Axial Vector Coupling λ=gA/gV from a Measurement of the Beta Asymmetry Parameter A in Neutron Beta Decay
New instrumentation for precise (n,γ) measurements at ILL Grenoble
O2+ band in 102Ru and the evolution of nuclear deformation in Ru isotopes
Neutron Decay with PERC: a Progress Report
γγ angular-correlation analysis of 200Hg after cold-neutron capture
Experimental Status of Vud from Neutron Decay
The new neutron decay spectrometer Perkeo III
Measurement of the Proton Asymmetry Parameter C in Neutron Beta Decay
A clean, bright, and versatile source of neutron decay products
The point spread function of electrons in a magnetic field, and the beta-decay of free neutrons
A precision measurement to test the Standard Model
Measurement of the Neutrino Asymmetry Parameter B in Neutron Decay
Das Spektrometer Perkeo III und der Zerfall des freien Neutrons
Characterization of a ballistic supermirror neutron guide
The Beta-, Neutrino- and Proton-Asymmetry in Neutron Beta-Decay
Studies on CASCADE Detector Prototypes and Development of its Infrastructure |