High Energy Group at the Physics Institute (Particle Physics)
Welcome to our webpage! Our group is involved in several research projects in the field of experimental particle physics, with a focus on the study of fundamental particles and their interactions. This includes the participation in the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN, the Mu3e experiment at PSI and the development of new high resolution Silicon detector technologies.
Research Projects in HE group (Prof. Dr. Andre Schöning)
Mu3e Experiment at PSI - Search for the rare muon decay to three electrons
ATLAS at LHC - Proton-Proton Collisions at 14 TeV center of mass
HV-MAPS (High Voltage Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors) for detector instrumentation (R&D project)
Open Positions and Theses Opportunities
Check here for specified Theses Opportunities. Do not hesitate to contact us for a lab tour and a detailed discussion of thesis topics.
Groupleader: schoning@physi.uni-heidelberg.de
Mu3e: kar@physi.uni-heidelberg.de