Prof. Dr. Hans Joachim Specht

Physikalisches Institut der Universität Heidelberg
Im Neuenheimer Feld 226
69120 Heidelberg
(Raum 326, 3.OG, Philosophenweg 12)
phone:Office HD +49 6221 54-9213/19470 / fax 19545
Office CERN +41 22 7675906


Full CV
Selected publications – a guide
Selected popular articles
Selected recent talks
Selected video recordings
Full list of publications
Heidelberger Physiker berichten
Memories of Quark Matter 1996
Lecturing on Music, Physics and the Brain
Milestones GSI 1992-1999
What else
   CERN Experiment NA45/CERES
CERN Experiment NA60
Tributes to Professor Hans J. Specht: Reflections from Colleagues and Friends
CERN Courier Article
Nuclear Physics News article
Physikalisches Institut Heidelberg - Tribute
Physikalisches Institut - Heidelberg

Short CV

1936Born in Unna/Westfalen, Germany
1956-1962   Study of physics at the LMU München, TU München and ETH Zürich
1964 Dissertation (Dr. rer. nat.) at the Forschungsreaktor FRM, TU München
1965-1968 NRC Fellow, then Research Associate at the AECL Nuclear Laboratories,
Canada. Research at accelerators
1969-1973 Assistent, Habilitation, Professor (H3), Sektion Physik, LMU München.
Research at the FRM and the joint LMU/TUM accelerator
1973 Professor (H4), Physikalisches Institut, Universität Heidelberg. Research
at the accelerators MPI Heidelberg and GSI Darmstadt.
1983-2004 Scientific Associate at CERN, Geneva, one year each in 1983, 1990, 2003.
Experiments R807/808 at the ISR (member), NA34 and NA45/CERES
(spokesperson) and NA60 (member), all at the SPS accelerator
1992-1999 Scientific Director of GSI, Darmstadt. Most visible impact tumor therapy
with C-ions, together with the Radiologische Klinik der Universität and
the DKFZ Heidelberg.
2000Member of the Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften
2004 Professor Emeritus
Research in  atomic physics: quasi-molecules in low-energy heavy-ion collisions
nuclear physics: fission (shape-) isomers and heavy-ion induced fission
high-energy physics: quark matter, a specific stage of the early universe
neuroscience: early processing in the brain related to music perception