Summer 2005 :     Fr 9:15 - 11:00  Phil 12 GrHS

 Lecturer:   Ulrich Uwer



The focus of the lecture are the experimental tests of the  building blocks of matter and their fundamental   interactions: With the last two topics  (Quark mixing, CP violation & neutrino mixing and  New particle searches) the lecture reaches today's state of research of experimental particle physics.

Although  the emphasis is put on the experiments the lecture  also tries to motivate the thoeretical  descriptions and tries to give "phenomenological" derivations of the  necessary formulas.

For better understanding the course starts with a short  review of the calculation of transition amplitudes, cross sections and decay rates. The Dirac equation is introduced and  used to motivate the Feynman rules of QED. The basic cross sections  for fermion-fermion scattering are derived.

The lectcure is meant for students whose interest in the fundamental building blocks of matter and their interactions was triggerd during the course lecture "Physik 5".

The course is part of the Graduate School  "Particle Physics, Astrophysics and Cosmology". It is  recommended for diploma and doctoral students in experimental/theoretical particle physics. The series continues with a course on  "Standard Model of particle physics" in fall 2005.


I .     Introduction  (script pdf.file)
II.    Pre-requisites (script pdf.file)
III.   QED for "pedestrians" ( script part a pdf.file part b pdf.file)
IV.   ee Annihilation experiments below the Z resonance (script pdf.file)
V.    Experimental studies of QCD (script part a pdf.file, part b pdf.file )
VI.   Probing the weak  interaction (script part a , part b pdf.file)
VII. Electro-weak unification ( pdf.file)
VIII Experimental test of the Standard Model (SM) ( script pdf.file)
IX.   Flavor violation ( script part a ) ( part b pdf.file)
X.    The  quest  for new physics beyond the Standard Model


        D.H.Perkins: Introduction to High Energy Physics, Cambridge University Press.
        D.Griffith: Introduction to Elementary Particles, John Wiley.
        F.Halzen, A.Martin: Quarks and Leptons, John Wiley.
        P.Renton: Introduction to the Physics of Quarks and Leptons,  Cambridge University Press.
        E.Leader und E.Predazzi: An Introduction to Gauge Theories and Modern Particle Physics, Band 1+2, Cambridge Mongraphs.