to the Standard Model of Particle Physics
Time and location
9:15 - 11:00 Phil 12 gHS
9:15 - 11:00 Phil12 gHS
Timo Weigand, Institut für Theoretische Physik
Tel. 06221/549439, eMail: T.Weigand at
Ulrich Uwer, Physikalisches Institut
Tel. 06221/549226, eMail: uwer at
Excercises / Tutorial
Thursday, 14:15 - 16:00, Phil 12 gHS
Kentarou Mawatari, Institut für Theoretische Physik
Tel. 06221/549424, eMail: K.Mawatari at
The course will cover the Standard Model of
Particle Physics from the theoretical and from the
experimental perspective.
The gauge theories of electroweak and strong interactions and their experimental
tests will be described. The present status of the
Standard Model, open experimental questions, and
some directions of beyond the Standard Model physics are discussed.
Table of contents:
1) Introduction to QED
2) Experimental Tests of QED
3) Phenomenology of weak interaction
4) Electroweak Langrangian
5) Higgs mechanism and mass generation
6) High precision tests of the Standard Model
7) Test of the Flavor Sector
8) Beyond the Standard Model
The written examen will take place on Monday July 26 at 10:00 in gHS (Phil 12)
There will be no tutorial on Thursday. July 22. In case of questions
please contact Kentaru Mawatari directly (Phone: 54 9424).