University of Heidelberg
FP Versuche

Advanced Lab Course: list of experiments

Experiments listed in one line are technically identical and performed by several groups in parallel.
Only one instruction manual exists in this case.

Radiation protection course required fror F80/81/82/83, F56, F69, and F90.

Subject areaFP Task   SubjectwhereAddress
1Electronics1 E01/06/07/08/09 Basic Electronics FPINF 501
2Mechanics and Vacuum1 F70/71 Mechanics and vacuum FPINF 501
3Computer and Data Processing1 F75/76/77/78 Computer and data processing FPINF 501
4Measurement Methods1 F80/81 Scintillators FPINF 501
4Measurement Methods1 F82/83 Coincidence spectrometer FPINF 501
5Optics 11 F85/86/87 Basic Optics FPINF 501
6Solid State Physics2 F29 Atomic force microscope CAM (INF 225)INF 225, Raum 00.415 (nur vom Südeingang erreichbar)
6Solid State Physics2 F69 Laue X-ray diffraction FPINF 501, Raum -002 (UG)
6Solid State Physics2 F98 SQUIDs and noise thermometers KIPINF 227, Raum 00.222
7Spectroscopy2 F43 Raman spectroscopy MPI
7Spectroscopy2 F44 Zeeman spectroscopy MPISaupfercheckweg, Beschleunigerlabor
7Spectroscopy2 F47 Cyclotron frequency in a Penning trap MPISaupfercheckweg
7Spectroscopy2 F61/62 NMR PIINF 226, Raum 02.410
8Nuclear and Particle Physics2 F13 Muon lifetime and characterization of SiPMs PIINF 226, Raum 03.416
8Nuclear and Particle Physics2 F91/92/93/94 Studying the Z Boson with the ATLAS Detector at the LHC FPF91/92: INF 501, Raum -105 (UG); F93/94: virtuell
8Nuclear and Particle Physics2 F96/97 Characterisation of Silicon Pixel Sensors for High-Energy Physics FPvirtueller Versuch
9Environmental Physics2 F18/38 Stratospheric trace gases IUPINF 229, Labor 238
9Environmental Physics2 F55 Rayleigh fractionation IUPINF 229
9Environmental Physics2 F56 Environmental Radioactivity IUPINF 229
10Optics 22 F20 Magneto-optical trap PIINF 226, Raum 01.415
10Optics 22 F30 Stellar CCD photometry MPIAKönigstuhl
10Optics 22 F36 Wave front analysis MPIAKönigstuhl
10Optics 22 F66/67 Entanglement and quantum encryption KIPINF 227, Raum 01.207
11Complex Systems2 F09/10 Neuromorphic Computing FPINF 501, Raum -104 (UG)
12Medical physics2 F95 Medical image analysis Department of Radiation Oncology University Medical Center MannheimUniversitätsklinikum Mannheim, Theodor-Kutzer-Ufer 1-3, Haus 3, Ebene 4
13Statistical methods2 S01/02/03/04 Statistical methods in experimental physics FPvirtuell
13Statistical methods2 S10/11 Machine learning IWR