University of Heidelberg

First Prototypes have been delivered for evaluation

to Paul Scherer Institute (PSI) Switzerland
to Institute Laue Langevin (ILL) France
to Forschungszentrum Juelich (FZJ) Germany

Prototype at the PSI

CASCADE-Prototyp 50 mm x 50 mm

Current beam-stop at the PSI-SANS-Instrument, located in front of the large 3He-wire-chamber, which is mounted on a moovable sled in a long vacuum tube. The CASCADE-Detector is to replace this beam-stop for primary flux monitoring purposes, which will allow to normalize SANS-data.
Test of the CASCADE-Prototyp 50 mm x 50 mm at the sample position of the SANS-Instrument

The CASCADE-Prototyp 50 mm x 50 mm will be mounted in vacuum at the beam-stop-position of the SANS-Instrument. It will moove with the entire detector and determine the entire incident flux onto the sample.

Prototype at the ILL

Current design of a CASCADE-Prototype with a sensitive area of 100 mm x 100 mm. The detector is housed in a cover of 0.5 mm Aluminum sheet which proved necessary to shield against EMI (Electromagnetic Interference) in real beamline environments. Likewise, this housing covers access to any parts at high voltage. The entire detector measures 120 mm x 120 mm.

Evaluation of the detector at the ILL test-beam CT2. With the 2.5 Angstrom neutrons available at CT2, detection efficiency, spatial resolution as well as homogeneity could be investigated.

For high-rates tests, the detector was taken to one of world´s strongest beamlines:
at PF1a (Capture Flux > 109 n/sec cm2).

Beamline PF1a at ILL
Anton Oed in vivid discussion with Martin Klein on the CASCADE-principle at ILL

Prototyp at FZJ

A CASCADE-Prototype with a sensitive area of 200 mm x 200 mm will be delivered to the Forschungszentrum Juelich. Long term behaviour as well as the feasibility to employ the CASCADE technology at the ESS will be evaluated.
IT Department