University of Heidelberg
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Master Thesis

Storage cells for long coherence-time studies with quantum spins

Modern precision measurements are almost universally based on frequency metrology, in which the measurement duration and management of systematic errors can together produce unrivaled sensitivity. Neutrons and noble gas nuclei have the additional special feature that due to weak coupling to environmental sources of decoherence, measurements of minutes to hours in duration are possible without spoiling the coherence of the desired superposition state. We are developing advanced storage technology for spin-precession measurements, which are based on pulsed NMR with neutrons and two-photon laser spectroscopy with noble gases. A long-term goal is to use measurements with noble gases, in a special magnetically shielded room at Heidelberg, to constrain systematic errors for neutron measurements performed in Grenoble at the Institut Laue-Langevin in the framework of the international PanEDM collaboration.

Contact: Skyler Degenkolb

Published on: 2024-05-24
IT Department