University of Heidelberg
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Doctor Thesis

Searching for CP violation with trapped ultracold neutrons

Precision measurements performed on stored neutrons are among the most stringent tests of the Standard Model, and also a powerful tool to search for the signatures of CP violation from new sources. The new ultracold neutron source SuperSUN was recently brought into service at the Insitut Laue-Langevin, and now delivers storable neutrons with unprecedented high number densities. Our group has a leading role in commissioning the PanEDM experiment at SuperSUN to measure the neutron electric dipole moment, with PhD projects focusing on neutron delivery and storage in order to optimize the Ramsey interferometry measurements that will ultimately set bounds on CP violation.

Contact: Skyler Degenkolb
Group: Low Energy Precision Physics - Low Energy Precision Physics

Published on: 2024-05-24
IT Department