entity sort4c is
generic(Nbits : Natural := 8;
Nidx : Natural := 2;
pairs : Boolean := false;
ipipe : Boolean := false;
mpipe : Boolean := false;
opipe : Boolean := false);
clk : in std_logic;
dat0i : in std_logic_vector(Nbits+Nidx-1 downto 0);
dat1i : in std_logic_vector(Nbits+Nidx-1 downto 0);
dat2i : in std_logic_vector(Nbits+Nidx-1 downto 0);
dat3i : in std_logic_vector(Nbits+Nidx-1 downto 0);
dat0o : out std_logic_vector(Nbits+Nidx-1 downto 0);
dat1o : out std_logic_vector(Nbits+Nidx-1 downto 0);
dat2o : out std_logic_vector(Nbits+Nidx-1 downto 0);
dat3o : out std_logic_vector(Nbits+Nidx-1 downto 0));
end sort4c;
architecture struct of sort4c is
component dff_array is
generic (N : Natural := 4);
port (
clk : in std_logic;
d : in std_logic_vector(N-1 downto 0);
q : out std_logic_vector(N-1 downto 0) );
end component;
signal d0gt1 : std_logic;
signal d1gt2 : std_logic;
signal d2gt3 : std_logic;
signal d3gt0 : std_logic;
signal d0gt2 : std_logic;
signal d1gt3 : std_logic;
type mux_ctrl is array(0 to 3) of std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
signal mux : mux_ctrl;
signal sel : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0);
type dat_array is array(0 to 3) of std_logic_vector(Nbits+Nidx-1 downto 0);
signal dat_s : dat_array;
signal dat_m : dat_array;
signal dat_q : dat_array;
ip1: if ipipe generate
ir0: dff_array
generic map(N => dat0i'length)
port map(
clk => clk,
d => dat0i,
q => dat_s(0));
ir1: dff_array
generic map(N => dat1i'length)
port map(
clk => clk,
d => dat1i,
q => dat_s(1));
ir2: dff_array
generic map(N => dat2i'length)
port map(
clk => clk,
d => dat2i,
q => dat_s(2));
ir3: dff_array
generic map(N => dat3i'length)
port map(
clk => clk,
d => dat3i,
q => dat_s(3));
end generate;
nip1: if not ipipe generate
dat_s(0) <= dat0i;
dat_s(1) <= dat1i;
dat_s(2) <= dat2i;
dat_s(3) <= dat3i;
end generate;
pairs1: if pairs generate
d0gt1 <= '1';
d2gt3 <= '1';
end generate;
pairs0: if not pairs generate
d0gt1 <= '1' when dat_s(0)(Nbits+Nidx-1 downto Nidx) > dat_s(1)(Nbits+Nidx-1 downto Nidx) else '0';
d2gt3 <= '1' when dat_s(2)(Nbits+Nidx-1 downto Nidx) > dat_s(3)(Nbits+Nidx-1 downto Nidx) else '0';
end generate;
d1gt2 <= '1' when dat_s(1)(Nbits+Nidx-1 downto Nidx) > dat_s(2)(Nbits+Nidx-1 downto Nidx) else '0';
d3gt0 <= '1' when dat_s(3)(Nbits+Nidx-1 downto Nidx) > dat_s(0)(Nbits+Nidx-1 downto Nidx) else '0';
d0gt2 <= '1' when dat_s(0)(Nbits+Nidx-1 downto Nidx) > dat_s(2)(Nbits+Nidx-1 downto Nidx) else '0';
d1gt3 <= '1' when dat_s(1)(Nbits+Nidx-1 downto Nidx) > dat_s(3)(Nbits+Nidx-1 downto Nidx) else '0';
mp1: if mpipe generate
mrgi: for i in 0 to 3 generate
mri: dff_array
generic map(N => dat0i'length)
port map(
clk => clk,
d => dat_s(i),
q => dat_m(i));
end generate;
if clk'event and clk='1' then
sel <= d0gt1 & d1gt2 & d2gt3 & d3gt0 & d0gt2 & d1gt3;
end if;
end process;
end generate;
nmp1: if not mpipe generate
dat_m <= dat_s;
sel <= d0gt1 & d1gt2 & d2gt3 & d3gt0 & d0gt2 & d1gt3;
end generate;
-- this LUT was generated by a C++ program
case sel is
when "000100" => mux(0) <= "11"; mux(1) <= "10"; mux(2) <= "01"; mux(3) <= "00";
when "001100" => mux(0) <= "10"; mux(1) <= "11"; mux(2) <= "01"; mux(3) <= "00";
when "010100" => mux(0) <= "11"; mux(1) <= "01"; mux(2) <= "10"; mux(3) <= "00";
when "001101" => mux(0) <= "10"; mux(1) <= "01"; mux(2) <= "11"; mux(3) <= "00";
when "010101" => mux(0) <= "01"; mux(1) <= "11"; mux(2) <= "10"; mux(3) <= "00";
when "011101" => mux(0) <= "01"; mux(1) <= "10"; mux(2) <= "11"; mux(3) <= "00";
when "100100" => mux(0) <= "11"; mux(1) <= "10"; mux(2) <= "00"; mux(3) <= "01";
when "101100" => mux(0) <= "10"; mux(1) <= "11"; mux(2) <= "00"; mux(3) <= "01";
when "010110" => mux(0) <= "11"; mux(1) <= "01"; mux(2) <= "00"; mux(3) <= "10";
when "001001" => mux(0) <= "10"; mux(1) <= "01"; mux(2) <= "00"; mux(3) <= "11";
when "010111" => mux(0) <= "01"; mux(1) <= "11"; mux(2) <= "00"; mux(3) <= "10";
when "011001" => mux(0) <= "01"; mux(1) <= "10"; mux(2) <= "00"; mux(3) <= "11";
when "100110" => mux(0) <= "11"; mux(1) <= "00"; mux(2) <= "10"; mux(3) <= "01";
when "101000" => mux(0) <= "10"; mux(1) <= "00"; mux(2) <= "11"; mux(3) <= "01";
when "110110" => mux(0) <= "11"; mux(1) <= "00"; mux(2) <= "01"; mux(3) <= "10";
when "101001" => mux(0) <= "10"; mux(1) <= "00"; mux(2) <= "01"; mux(3) <= "11";
when "010011" => mux(0) <= "01"; mux(1) <= "00"; mux(2) <= "11"; mux(3) <= "10";
when "011011" => mux(0) <= "01"; mux(1) <= "00"; mux(2) <= "10"; mux(3) <= "11";
when "100010" => mux(0) <= "00"; mux(1) <= "11"; mux(2) <= "10"; mux(3) <= "01";
when "101010" => mux(0) <= "00"; mux(1) <= "10"; mux(2) <= "11"; mux(3) <= "01";
when "110010" => mux(0) <= "00"; mux(1) <= "11"; mux(2) <= "01"; mux(3) <= "10";
when "101011" => mux(0) <= "00"; mux(1) <= "10"; mux(2) <= "01"; mux(3) <= "11";
when "110011" => mux(0) <= "00"; mux(1) <= "01"; mux(2) <= "11"; mux(3) <= "10";
when "111011" => mux(0) <= "00"; mux(1) <= "01"; mux(2) <= "10"; mux(3) <= "11";
when others => mux(0) <= "--"; mux(1) <= "--"; mux(2) <= "--"; mux(3) <= "--";
end case;
end process;
mxi: for i in 0 to 3 generate
dat_q(i) <= dat_m(conv_integer(mux(i)));
end generate;
op1: if opipe generate
or0: dff_array
generic map(N => dat0o'length)
port map(
clk => clk,
d => dat_q(0),
q => dat0o);
or1: dff_array
generic map(N => dat1o'length)
port map(
clk => clk,
d => dat_q(1),
q => dat1o);
or2: dff_array
generic map(N => dat2o'length)
port map(
clk => clk,
d => dat_q(2),
q => dat2o);
or3: dff_array
generic map(N => dat3o'length)
port map(
clk => clk,
d => dat_q(3),
q => dat3o);
end generate;
nop1: if not opipe generate
dat0o <= dat_q(0);
dat1o <= dat_q(1);
dat2o <= dat_q(2);
dat3o <= dat_q(3);
end generate;