Modul M017: Position: Station 1, Layer 0, Quarter 1, Modul F1 ~01/04/07: Beginning flushing with CO2 after installation in the experiment 01/11/07: Flushing with Ar/CO2 (70/30) from gas bottle, ~0.5 volume exchanges per hour 05/11/07: Scan 0(scan0.xls), HV for scan: 1520V, Straw 32-63, Position 59cm-69cm T=19,3°C; p = 982mbar 06/11/07: Stop flushing with Ar/CO2, Start flushing CO2 from help line 13/11/07, 10am: Start flushing with Ar/CO2 (70/30) from battery, 0,3 volume exchanges per hour 13/11/07, 5pm: increase gas flow to 0.8l/min corresponding to 0,38 volume exchanges per hour with 7 F-modules in parallel. Start first adjustment of current. 15/11/07, 4pm: Start irradiation, Position of source: Channel 48, Position 65cm HV: 1550V, Total current 262nA, FWHM beam profile 9 straws gas flow: 0.9l/min corresponding to 0.42 volume exchanges per hour 16/11/07, 6-10pm: Scan 1 (scan1.xls), HV: 1550V for irradiation, 1520V for scan, Total irradiation time: 26 hours Total current 248nA, Maximum current observed: 282nA T=19,5°C; p=983mbar 17/11/07, 7-10pm: Scan 2 (scan2.xls); HV: 1550V for irradiation, 1520V for scan, Total irradiation time: 47 hours Total current 239nA, Maximum current observed: 253 nA T=19,5°C; p=981mbar 18/11/07, 8-10pm: Scan 3 (scan3.xls); HV: 1550V for irradiation, 1520V for scan, Total irradiation time: 69 hours Total current 235nA, Maximum current observed: 242 nA T=19,4°C; p=971mbar 19/11/07, 3pm: Stop irradiation Total irradiation time: 86 hours Total current 229nA Maximum current observed: 260nA T=19,3°C; p=973nA 19/11/07, 3pm: Scan 4 (scan4.xls) HV: 1520 for scan