University of Heidelberg

MVSem: Nobel prizes in particle physics - SS2017

MVSem: Nobel prizes in particle physics - SS2017

The discovery and the interpretation of the Cherenkov effect (1958)28.4.2017M. De CianLars NoehteTalkSummary
Invention of the bubble chamber (1960)
Electron scattering on atomic nuclei and structure of nuclei (1961)19.5.2017S. BachmannKarol DebowskiTalkSummary
Discovery of a large number of resonances made possible through the development of the hydrogen bubble chamber (1968)
Discovery of a heavy elementary particle of a new kind (charm quark, 1976)
Discovery of violations of fundamental symmetry principles in the decay of neutral K-mesons (1980)
Discovery of W and Z bosons (1984)16.6.2017M. De CianNicky PottersTalkSummary
Myon Neutrino (1988)2.6.2017M. De CianFlorian JörgTalkSummary
Deep inelastic electron nucleon scattering and the importance for the development of the quark model (1990)
Invention and developement of the multiwire proportional chamber (1992)26.5.2017S. BachmannLukas WitolaTalkSummary
Discovery of the tau lepton (1995)
The discovery of the origin of the broken symmetry which predicts the existence of at least three families of quarks in nature (and experimental confirmation by the B factories) (2008)9.6.2017S. Hansmann-MenzemerDaniel BaitingerTalkSummary
The theoretical discovery of a mechanism that contributes to our understanding of the origin of mass of subatomic particles (and its discovery at CERN) (2013)30.6.2017S. BachmannViktor AdamTalkSummary
Discovery of neutrino oscillations, which shows that neutrinos have mass (2015)7.7.2017S. Hansmann-MenzemerDennis SauterTalkSummary

If you would like to present an alternative topic, please speak with the organisors.

The written summary and the presentation have to be handed in 31. August at the latest


  • MKEP1 Particle Physics
  • Independent literature research
  • Planing of talk
  • Practice talk with supervisor
  • 40-45min talk, 15-20min discussion
  • Write-up of presented talk (5-10 pages)


  • In week (n-3) latest: Discuss outline of talk with your supervisor
  • In week (n-1) latest: Practice talk


  • The talk and the discussion will be in English
  • A regular attendence is mandatory
  • 6CP correspond to about 180 hours of work
  • Organisational matters and distribution of still available topics: 21. 4. 2017


Prof. Stephanie Hansmann-Menzemer
Dr. Sebastian Bachmann
Dr. Michel De Cian

IT Department