Version Control and Continuous Integration for Analysis Preservation using Git and Docker
Ensuring reproducibility and preservation of analysis workflows is crucial for any kind of software or data analysis framework.
Version Control and Continuous Integration (CI) play a key role in collaborative maintainance, code review and integration of code changes in an automated and repeatable fashion.
Furthermore, use of docker containers ensures smooth reusability of the analysis framework consistently on different platforms (operating systems).
This course will introduce you to docker containers, version control using git and finally continuous integration in github/gitlab.
- The course will take place in Glassbox INF 226 2.108
- Date and time: 7-11 April, 13:30-16:30
- Introduction to Docker Contianers
- Compiling and executing an example Python/C++ code inside a docker container.
- Version Control using Git
- Collaborative git usage and recording code changes using git
- Continuous Integration
- You are familiar with basic Unix commands. If not you can go through the first three sections from the following before participating: carpentary course
- Please follow the following installation instructions before the course: pre-requisites