Doctoral Students in Experimental Particle Physics
The LHCb group of the Institute of Physics at the University of Heidelberg has several openings for doctoral students in experimental particle physics. Our group currently consists of 10 senior people and about 15 students. We made major contributions to the construction and the commissioning of the forward tracking system of LHCb. We are playing a leading role in detector alignment, track reconstruction and implementation of the High Level Trigger. In parallel the Heidelberg LHCb group has a wide range of analysis interests. We are currently focusing on preparing CP violation measurements in the Bs system. Further interests of our group are lepton flavour violation and rare decays e.g. decays involving b to s quark transitions. In close collaboration with the other German LHCb groups we have established a well advanced analysis environment, including common analysis tools and fast access to large computer resources.Successful applicants are expected to contribute to the LHCb data analysis. Frequent short term visits to CERN are part of the PhD project. If wanted - there is as well the possibility for a longer term stay.
Within the recent excellence initiative of the German government, the university of Heidelberg was selected to be cluster of excellence. In this context the faculty of physics has established the Heidelberg Graduate School of Fundamental Physics, which guarantees a high standard of broad physics education for our PhD students, including the funding for regular participation in summer schools and conferences. Successful applicants will become member of the Graduate School.
Enquiries and applications should be addressed to
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Uwer
Dr. Stephanie Hansmann-Menzemer
Physikalisches Institut Heidelberg
Philosophenweg 12
69120 Heidelberg