University of Heidelberg

Statistical Methods in Particle Physics WS 2011/2012

S. Masciocchi (lectures) / N. Berger (exercises)

Lectures every Monday 16:15 - 18:00, starting October 10th at neuer Hoersaal, Physikalisches Institut, Philosophenweg 12

Exercises every Monday 18:00 - 19:00, starting October 10th at CIP Pool, Albert-Ueberle-Strasse 3-5


10.10.2011 Lecture 1 Introduction: Aims of the course, distributions and their properties, histograms
17.10.2011 Lecture 2 Probability, probability density functions
24.10.2011 Lecture 3 Fuctions of random variables, covariance, error propagation
31.10.2011 Lecture 4 Common probability density functions
7.11.2011 Lecture 5
MC in the Mu3e experiment
Monte Carlo Methods
14.11.2011 Lecture 6 Object oriented programming
21.11.2011 Lecture 7
The ALICE experiment
The ALICE experiment/Introduction to Likelihood and Hypothesys Tests (Material in lecture 8)
28.11.2011 Lecture 8 Multivariate Methods: Fisher discriminant and Neural Networks
5.12.2011 Lecture 9 Multivariate Methods: Kernel density estimators and decision trees; chi2 and significance
12.12.2011 Lecture 10 Estimators and Maximum Likelihood
9.1.2012 Lecture 11 Least squares
16.1.2012 Lecture 12 Interval estimation, systematic errors, blind analysis
23.1.2012 Lecture 13 Wrap-up and discussion


The exercises will be held on the CIP pool computers and involve writing scripts and programs in C++ using the root data analysis framework, putting to work the concepts teached in the lecture. For help and documentation with the tools, see here.
10.10.2011 Root tutorial (Exercise 0)
Exercise 1
Introduction to the root framework, histograms
17.10.2011 Exercise 2 Random number generators, MC integration
24.10.2011 Exercise 3 Probability density functions
31.10.2011 Exercise 4 A simple tracking detector
7.11.2011 Exercise 5 Error propagation and particle identification
14.11.2011 Exercise 6
Base class header file
Base class implementation
Main program template
Makefile template
OO programming - a simple game
21.11.2011 Exercise 7 Signal and Background
28.11.2011 Exercise 8
Tree A
Tree B
Cut based analysis
5.12.2011 Exercise 9
Signal only tree
Background only tree
Multivariate Methods/TMVA
12.12.2011 Exercise 10 Likelihood and chi2 fits
9.1.2012 Exercise 11
CL_s Paper
Extended likelihood, limits
16.1.2012 Exercise 12
A small analysis
IT Department