using CSV, DataFrames
magic_data ="data", "magic04_data.txt"), DataFrame)
Row | fLength | fWidth | fSize | fConc | fConc1 | fAsym | fM3Long | fM3Trans | fAlpha | fDist | class |
Float64 | Float64 | Float64 | Float64 | Float64 | Float64 | Float64 | Float64 | Float64 | Float64 | String1 | |
1 | 28.7967 | 16.0021 | 2.6449 | 0.3918 | 0.1982 | 27.7004 | 22.011 | -8.2027 | 40.092 | 81.8828 | g |
2 | 31.6036 | 11.7235 | 2.5185 | 0.5303 | 0.3773 | 26.2722 | 23.8238 | -9.9574 | 6.3609 | 205.261 | g |
3 | 162.052 | 136.031 | 4.0612 | 0.0374 | 0.0187 | 116.741 | -64.858 | -45.216 | 76.96 | 256.788 | g |
â‹® | â‹® | â‹® | â‹® | â‹® | â‹® | â‹® | â‹® | â‹® | â‹® | â‹® | â‹® |
19018 | 75.4455 | 47.5305 | 3.4483 | 0.1417 | 0.0549 | -9.3561 | 41.0562 | -9.4662 | 30.2987 | 256.517 | h |
19019 | 120.513 | 76.9018 | 3.9939 | 0.0944 | 0.0683 | 5.8043 | -93.5224 | -63.8389 | 84.6874 | 408.317 | h |
19020 | 187.181 | 53.0014 | 3.2093 | 0.2876 | 0.1539 | -167.312 | -168.456 | 31.4755 | 52.731 | 272.317 | h |
11-element Vector{String}: "fLength" "fWidth" "fSize" "fConc" "fConc1" "fAsym" "fM3Long" "fM3Trans" "fAlpha" "fDist" "class"
Accessing Data¶
The template for accessing data from a DataFrame is:
my_data[selected_rows, selected_columns]
There are a few different patterns for this, but the template is always the same.
Extracting data (without copying) works like this:
magic_data[!, [:fSize]]
Row | fSize |
Float64 | |
1 | 2.6449 |
2 | 2.5185 |
3 | 4.0612 |
â‹® | â‹® |
19018 | 3.4483 |
19019 | 3.9939 |
19020 | 3.2093 |
This is the recommended way to do this, although magic_data.fSize
and magic_data[!, "fSize"]
will also work
Copying Data¶
If a :
notation is used for the row selection, then a copy of the data is made:
# Select the given columns from rows 1 to 5
mini_magic_data = magic_data[1:5, [:fLength, :fWidth, :fSize]]
Row | fLength | fWidth | fSize |
Float64 | Float64 | Float64 | |
1 | 28.7967 | 16.0021 | 2.6449 |
2 | 31.6036 | 11.7235 | 2.5185 |
3 | 162.052 | 136.031 | 4.0612 |
4 | 23.8172 | 9.5728 | 2.3385 |
5 | 75.1362 | 30.9205 | 3.1611 |
One can use an appropriate row vector to set any row in the data frame:
mini_magic_data[3, 1:3] = [160., 136., 4.]
Row | fLength | fWidth | fSize |
Float64 | Float64 | Float64 | |
1 | 28.7967 | 16.0021 | 2.6449 |
2 | 31.6036 | 11.7235 | 2.5185 |
3 | 160.0 | 136.0 | 4.0 |
4 | 23.8172 | 9.5728 | 2.3385 |
5 | 75.1362 | 30.9205 | 3.1611 |
Selection from bool
A powerful way to select data is to select rows on a boolean vector constructed from the data frame itself, e.g., to select all rows that are signal events do the following.
(Below we explain why you need to use .==
to broadcast the comparison.)
magic_data[magic_data.class .== "g", [:fLength, :fWidth, :fSize]]
Row | fLength | fWidth | fSize |
Float64 | Float64 | Float64 | |
1 | 28.7967 | 16.0021 | 2.6449 |
2 | 31.6036 | 11.7235 | 2.5185 |
3 | 162.052 | 136.031 | 4.0612 |
â‹® | â‹® | â‹® | â‹® |
12330 | 22.0913 | 10.8949 | 2.2945 |
12331 | 56.2216 | 18.7019 | 2.9297 |
12332 | 31.5125 | 19.2867 | 2.9578 |
Broadcast Assignment¶
To broadcast operations across a data frame, we use Julia's .=
mini_magic_data[!, :fSize] .*= 1000
Row | fLength | fWidth | fSize |
Float64 | Float64 | Float64 | |
1 | 28.7967 | 16.0021 | 2644.9 |
2 | 31.6036 | 11.7235 | 2518.5 |
3 | 160.0 | 136.0 | 4000.0 |
4 | 23.8172 | 9.5728 | 2338.5 |
5 | 75.1362 | 30.9205 | 3161.1 |
Adding New Data¶
Adding new data to a data frame is just a matter of assigning to a new column (using the Julia symbol for the name is useful)
mini_magic_data[:, :name] = ["alice", "bob", "ciarn", "dinah", "elmer"]
Row | fLength | fWidth | fSize | name |
Float64 | Float64 | Float64 | String | |
1 | 28.7967 | 16.0021 | 2644.9 | alice |
2 | 31.6036 | 11.7235 | 2518.5 | bob |
3 | 160.0 | 136.0 | 4000.0 | ciarn |
4 | 23.8172 | 9.5728 | 2338.5 | dinah |
5 | 75.1362 | 30.9205 | 3161.1 | elmer |
Event selection¶
The first thing we might want to do is ensure that we can select events that match some particular criteria - for that we can use the subset
Usually one would not want to bother with a named function for these kind of trivial selections - use an anonymous function:
subset(mini_magic_data, [:fLength, :fWidth] => (l, w) -> (l .>= 30) .&& (w .> 10))
Row | fLength | fWidth | fSize | name | fArea |
Float64 | Float64 | Float64 | String | Float64 | |
1 | 31.6036 | 11.7235 | 2518.5 | bob | 370.505 |
2 | 160.0 | 136.0 | 4000.0 | ciarn | 21760.0 |
3 | 75.1362 | 30.9205 | 3161.1 | elmer | 2323.25 |
Can also use of course be done like so:
mini_magic_data[mini_magic_data.fLength .> 30 .&& mini_magic_data.fWidth .> 10, :]
Row | fLength | fWidth | fSize | name | fArea |
Float64 | Float64 | Float64 | String | Float64 | |
1 | 31.6036 | 11.7235 | 2518.5 | bob | 370.505 |
2 | 160.0 | 136.0 | 4000.0 | ciarn | 21760.0 |
3 | 75.1362 | 30.9205 | 3161.1 | elmer | 2323.25 |
Derived Data¶
For some analysis, it's pretty useful to add derived values, which we know how to do:
transform!(mini_magic_data, [:fLength, :fWidth] => ByRow((l, w) -> l * w) => :fArea)
Row | fLength | fWidth | fSize | name | fArea |
Float64 | Float64 | Float64 | String | Float64 | |
1 | 28.7967 | 16.0021 | 2644.9 | alice | 460.808 |
2 | 31.6036 | 11.7235 | 2518.5 | bob | 370.505 |
3 | 160.0 | 136.0 | 4000.0 | ciarn | 21760.0 |
4 | 23.8172 | 9.5728 | 2338.5 | dinah | 227.997 |
5 | 75.1362 | 30.9205 | 3161.1 | elmer | 2323.25 |
Map data to different values¶
magic_data.class = (l -> l == "g" ? 1 : 0).(magic_data.class)
Row | fLength | fWidth | fSize | fConc | fConc1 | fAsym | fM3Long | fM3Trans | fAlpha | fDist | class |
Float64 | Float64 | Float64 | Float64 | Float64 | Float64 | Float64 | Float64 | Float64 | Float64 | Int64 | |
1 | 28.7967 | 16.0021 | 2.6449 | 0.3918 | 0.1982 | 27.7004 | 22.011 | -8.2027 | 40.092 | 81.8828 | 1 |
2 | 31.6036 | 11.7235 | 2.5185 | 0.5303 | 0.3773 | 26.2722 | 23.8238 | -9.9574 | 6.3609 | 205.261 | 1 |
3 | 162.052 | 136.031 | 4.0612 | 0.0374 | 0.0187 | 116.741 | -64.858 | -45.216 | 76.96 | 256.788 | 1 |
â‹® | â‹® | â‹® | â‹® | â‹® | â‹® | â‹® | â‹® | â‹® | â‹® | â‹® | â‹® |
19018 | 75.4455 | 47.5305 | 3.4483 | 0.1417 | 0.0549 | -9.3561 | 41.0562 | -9.4662 | 30.2987 | 256.517 | 0 |
19019 | 120.513 | 76.9018 | 3.9939 | 0.0944 | 0.0683 | 5.8043 | -93.5224 | -63.8389 | 84.6874 | 408.317 | 0 |
19020 | 187.181 | 53.0014 | 3.2093 | 0.2876 | 0.1539 | -167.312 | -168.456 | 31.4755 | 52.731 | 272.317 | 0 |
Transform, Select, Combine, GroupBy, Filter¶
Just as a short summary of the data frame manipulation functions we met:
Function | Description |
transform |
Apply a transformation operation to one or more columns, return all columns plus any new ones |
select |
Apply a transformation operation to one or more columns, only return columns that are selected, in the order requested |
combine |
Apply a transformation operation, then collapse the result for identical output rows |
groupby |
Split a data frame into pieces according to a certain criterion |
filter |
Apply a selection operation to a data frame - argument order follows the method convention |
The use of groupby
and combine
allows us to powerfully manipulate data in Julia using the well known Split, Combine, Apply strategy, originally introduced for S.
using Plots
layout = @layout [a b c d e; f g h i j]
p = plot(layout = layout, legend = :topright, size = (800, 300))
for (i, col) in enumerate(names(magic_data)[1:end-1])
magic_data_signal = filter(:class => l -> l==1, magic_data)
magic_data_backgr = filter(:class => l -> l==0, magic_data)
stephist!(magic_data_signal[!, col], title=col, normalize=true, subplot=i, label="signal")
stephist!(magic_data_backgr[!, col], normalize=true, subplot=i, label="bckgr")