First Date: 20.10.2017 Location: INF 226, 1.106 Time 11h00
Written reports (proceedings style) 1st draft to supervisors as
soon as possible, latest by March
10, 2018 final draft uploaded by March
31, 2018
60 minutes for the seminar and discussions
meet at least 6 weeks before your presentation with your supervisor
we will hand out literature, not exhaustive, please feel free to
make your own literature search (cern web sites, etc.)
4 weeks before your presentation: rough structure of presentation
should exist
The seminar addresses topics in modern tracking
detector technologies and particle identification.
Topics proposed for the seminar are:
- Time Projection Chambers (TPC)
- Silicon pixel detectors
- Monolothic Active Pixel Sensors (MAPS and HV-MAPS)
- Electromagnetic and hadronic calorimetry (2x)
- Particle tracking calorimeters
- Cerenkov detectors (LHCb RICH)
- Vertex detectors and reconstruction
- Track reconstruction techniques
- Track triggers and concepts
The language of the presentation is English
First Date: 20.10.2017 Location: INF 226, 1.106 Time 11h00
Topics and Dates should be preferably fixed before the start of the
winter semester, latest at first meeting.
Please choose a topic from the list above or propose a topic by yourself!