Project ABC: Origins of collectivity in few-body systems
Project Leaders: Tilman Enss, Selim Jochim, Silvia Masciocchi, Aleksas Mazeliauskas
Summary: Experiments with just ten interacting ultracold atoms released from an elliptic potential show the inversion
of its aspect ratio, or elliptic flow — a key signature of collective behaviour. Within this project we would like to
understand the physical mechanism of emerging collective dynamics in a few-atom system and relate this knowledge to
similar collectivity observed in high-energy hadron collisions.
For the first time in our CRC, we will bring experimentalists from two different fields to work on a common project.
To underline the unifying character of this project, it was named ABC* — connecting all three project areas of CRC
ISOQUANT. From far-from-equilibrium dynamics (A) initiated by the sudden release of a cold atom gas or the collisions
of heavy ions emerges surprising collective behaviour normally associated to a hydrodynamic phase of matter (C).
However, the observed buildup of correlations might also indicate the presence of an order parameter (B). Therefore,
in order to understand the origins of collectivity in few-body fermion systems, we will need to combine the knowledge of
isolated quantum systems in extreme conditions from different areas of the CRC. The ABC* program, linking theory and
experiment, in cold quantum gases and in heavy-ion physics, is organised into four pillars:
ABC*-1 Experimental studies of collective phenomena with few ultracold fermions.
Measurements of two- particle correlations [ABC*.1] show that an initially almost unpaired strongly interacting sample
becomes fully paired as the density drops. This indicates that the particle correlations and entanglement play an
important role in the observed collective behaviour. In the first set of experiments, we will study multi-particle
correlations for different fermion number and interaction strength using analysis techniques developed in collaboration
with heavy-ion experimentalists (ABC*-2). Together with theorists in (ABC*-3) we will work towards an understanding of
the pair formation process. We will also perform measurements of collective excitations in a trap as a precision tool
to gain insight into the hydrodynamic behaviour of mesoscopic systems. Near equilibrium, they reveal essential parameters
of hydrodynamics, such as shear and bulk viscosity [ABC*.2], which will be compared to theory (ABC*-3). Far from
equilibrium, emerging macroscopic dynamics might be interpreted in different hydrodynamic frameworks, such as the
hydrodynamic attractor (ABC*-4). In a quark-gluon plasma (QGP) produced in heavy-ion collisions, Hanbury Brown and Twiss
correlations point to the freeze-out radius of the system. We aim to get a deeper understanding of freeze-out mechanisms
from such measurements in ultracold atoms.d heavy-quark diffusion (A02-2) for pinning down the fundamental QCD transport
ABC*-2 Multi-particle correlations in heavy-ion and cold-atom experiments.
Multi-particle azimuthal correla- tions are a powerful tool to study the evolution of hadron-hadron and heavy-ion
collisions and to separate various sources of correlations, from few- to many-body, among the produced hadrons [ABC*.3].
We will bring the expertise of studying collectivity in hadron collisions [ABC*.4] to the analysis of cold-atom experiments
(ABC*-1). The systematic comparison of experimental data to theory predictions (ABC*-3 and ABC*-4) will al- low us to
constrain model parameters. Cold-atom experiments performed in (ABC*-1) have control over initial conditions and access
to the time evolution, in a way which is not available in heavy-ion collisions. This will allow us to develop new
observables and techniques, which could be later applied in heavy-ion experiments.
ABC*-3 Emergent bulk physics in few-to-many-atom systems.
The bulk properties in equilibrium are well characterised by the equation of state and dynamical response [ABC*.2, 5].
An important question is how well they describe the observed dynamics of strongly correlated few-particle systems (ABC*-1).
Because these are already beyond the reach of exact diagonalisation, we will seek efficient theoretical descriptions in
terms of fermions and pairs and explore whether slow decay of order parameter correlations can lead to robust collectivity
even for small systems. We will compute how the equation of state and transport properties depend on short-range correlations
and system size. Our results are the basis for hydrodynamic and kinetic simulations of observed collective
behaviour (ABC*-2 and ABC*-4).
ABC*-4 Hydrodynamic attractors and transport in small systems.
The emergence of a hydrodynamic attractor — a universal far-from-equilibrium fluid behaviour — is one of the dominant
explanations of the success of hydrodynamic models in heavy-ion collisions [ABC*.6]. Ultracold quantum gas experiments (ABC*-1)
provide unique access to precisely investigate the applicability of different hydrodynamic frameworks in mesoscopic systems.
Drawing on our experience in heavy-ion collisions [ABC*.7–9] and in collaboration with cold atom theory (ABC*-3) we will
build kinetic and hydrodynamic descriptions of a few-fermion system. We aim to identify which features of collective behaviour
(ABC*-2) can be effectively described by hydrodynamic attractor and transport even in small cold atom systems.