Alexander Uvarov
Dr. rer. nat. (Ph.D)
2007 |
2006 |
- 18/12
Mobility of the complex macromolecules in solution: validity of the
Stokes--Einstein relation.
presented at the Institute of Theoretical
University of Kassel,
Kassel, Germany.
- 18/06
A semi-phenomenological approach to the structure and transport
properties of
macromolecules in solutions.
PhD talk, University of Kassel,
Kassel, Germany.
version is here 
2005 |
- 09/06
of determenistic fractal polymers.
presented at
University of Kassel, Germany.
- 24/05
Friction of macromolecules in solutions.
Pysical Department Seminar, University of Kassel,
Kassel, Germany.
version is here 
- 09/05
Macromolecules in solution: effects of friction on the dynamical
presented at
University of Kassel, Germany.
- 11/01
Transport properties of macromolecules in solutions: Transition between
slip and
stick boundary conditions.
presented at
University of Kassel, Germany.
2004 |
- 29/06
Rotational Dynamics of Macromolecules: Influence of
the Bead-Bead
presented at
University of Kassel, Germany.
- 14/01
Lyapunov instability of the macromolecular solutions.
presented at
University of Kassel, Germany.
2003 |
- 20/11
Dynamics of the
Effects of the macromolecule-solvent potential on themolecular
properties in solutions. Comparisions with
presented at
University of Kassel, Germany.
- 27/05
Dynamics of the Macromolecules:
Studies of the effects of the macromolecule-solvent potential on the
static and dynamical properties in
presented at
University of Kassel, Germany.
2002 |
- 21/11
of the Bead-Solvent potentials on the Dynamics of Macromolecules
(hydrodynamic interaction). part 2
presented at
University of Kassel, Germany.
- 08/05
of the Bead-Solvent potentials on the Dynamics of Macromolecules
(hydrodynamic interaction). part 1
(Dumbbell-type molecule)
presented at
University of Kassel, Germany.
Macro (Bio-) molecular chains in a solvent.
presented at
University of Kassel, Germany.