Ruprecht Karls Universität Heidelberg
Markus Koehli homepage

Dr. Markus Köhli

Phone +49 6221 54 19448
Room INF 226 | 03.208
Email koehli(_a)

ORCID 0000-0001-6098-3094
ResearcherID H-3448-2016
COSMOS Postdoctoral Researcher

Research Interests

Tech| Particle Detectors - Neutron Detectors - Micro Pattern Gaseous Detectors - Monte Carlo Simulations
Fields| Particle Physics - Neutron Spin Echo - Archeometry - COSMOS

Research experience

2019 Postdoc
Physikalisches Institut, Heidelberg University
2020-2023 Teaching assistant
Physics I, Physics II and Physics IV
Physikalisches Institut, Heidelberg University
2016-2019 Predoc
Physikalisches Institut, University of Bonn
2016-2019 Teaching assistant
Physics I, Physics II and Physics V
Physikalisches Institut, University of Bonn
2011-2016 PhD student
Physikalisches Institut, Heidelberg University
2010-2011 Teaching assistant
Improvement of the Fortgeschrittenen Praktikum I and II
Physikalisches Institut, University of Freiburg
2006-2010 Tutor
Experimental Physics I-IV, Medizinerpraktikum, Anfängerpraktikum, Fortgeschrittenen Praktikum I
Physikalisches Institut, University of Freiburg
2005-2007 Student researcher
ATLAS detector at LHC, Myon system
Physikalisches Institut, University of Freiburg


2025 SoMMet CRNS Training, Kopenhagen, Denmark
Neutron Transport Studies based on the Monte Carlo Tool URANOS, pdf-File
2024 Coordinated Cosmic-Ray Observatory Workshop, Lincoln, Nebraska
Pathways to CRNS: Evolving detectors and neutron modeling, pdf-File
2024 National Physics Lab - Neutron Users Club, London
Cosmic Neutrons and their role in environmental sciences - theory, detectors, metrology, pdf-File
2024 ForUm Technikertreffen, Joachimsthal
Die CRNS Bodenfeuchtemessung mit Neutronen der kosmischen Höhenstrahlung
2024 European Geosciences Union Annual Meeting 2024, Vienna
Use of Cosmic-ray Neutron Sensing for soil water management, pdf-File
2024 Position Sensitive Neutron Detectors 2024, Oxford
URANOS - a voxel-engine neutron transport Monte Carlo simulation, pdf-File
2024 87th DPG Annual Conference, Greifswald
Metrology for multi-scale monitoring of soil moisture (UP 2.4), pdf-File
2023 GC-8 Hydro - A European vision for hydrological observations and experimentation, Naples
CRNS-based monitoring technologies as solutions for climate-resilient agriculture, pdf-File
2023 86th DPG Annual Conference, Dresden
Validation potential for Remote Sensing soil moisture products using Cosmic-Ray Neutron Sensing (UP 4.6), pdf-File
2023 Fachtagung Kampfmittelbeseitigung 2023, Bad Kissingen
Das INN Verfahren und dessen Einsatzmöglichkeit in der Kampfmitteldetektion
2022 4th ITU FG-AI4A meeting, Internet
Use of CRNS for soil water management, pdf-File
2022 Water Management using Smart Radiation Sensors, Internet
Use of CRNS for scheduling irrigation, pdf-File
2022 Water Management using Smart Radiation Sensors, Internet
URANOS - modeling neutrons for CRNS (Tutorial)
2021 1st OZCAR-TERENO International Conference, Strasbourg
CRNS - new insights from modeling soil moisture measurement at the hectometer scale, pdf-File
2021 Tauber Geotreffen 2021, Münster
Bohrlochsondierung mittels gepulster Neutronen und ihre Einsatzmöglichkeit in der Kampfmitteldetektion
2021 85th DPG Annual Conference, Internet
Moisture and humidity dependence of the above ground Cosmic-Ray Neutron intensity revised (UP 4.3), pdf-File
2021 EGU General Assembly, Internet
Moisture and humidity dependence of the above-ground cosmic ray neutron intensity revised, pdf-File
2021 EURADOS WG 11 Meeting, Internet
URANOS - a novel voxel engine Monte Carlo tool for neutron transport studies, pdf-File
2020 6th international COSMOS Workshop, Heidelberg
URANOS - modeling cosmic-ray neutron transport, (Talk: see conference website)
2019 Particle Physics Colloquium, Heidelberg
Soil Moisture Measurements with Cosmic-Ray Neutrons, pdf-File
2019 Particle Physics Colloquium, Bonn
Neutron Detectors - probing nano and macro scales, pdf-File
2019 83rd DPG Annual Conference, Aachen
Arduino-based readout electronics for particle detectors (T 18.10), pdf-File
2019 83rd DPG Annual Conference, München
Cosmic-Ray Neutron Sensing with Novel Neutron Detectors (UP 6.5), pdf-File
2018 International Workshop on Position Sensitive Neutron Detectors, Jülich
High Resolution Neutron Detection - the yTPC method, pdf-File
2018 EGU General Assembly, Vienna
URANOS - the Cosmic Ray Monte Carlo tool, pdf-File
2018 82nd DPG Annual Conference, Würzburg
High Resolution Neutron Detection (T 14.1), pdf-File
2018 82nd DPG Annual Conference, Erlangen
Soil moisture measurement at the hectometer scale using CRNS for mobile applications (UP 8.2), pdf-File
2018 82nd DPG Annual Conference, Bochum
High Resolution Neutron Detection by the yTPC method (HK 51.3), pdf-File
2017 International Conference on Neutron Scattering, Daejeon
Novel Neutron Detectors based on the Time Projection Method, pdf-File
2017 81st DPG Annual Conference, Münster
High Spatial Resolution in Thermal Neutron Detection: CASCADE (HK 7.2), pdf-File
2017 81st DPG Annual Conference, Bremen
Soil Moisture Measurement at the hectometer scale with cosmic-ray neutrons (UP 4.2), pdf-File
2016 2nd ATTRACT TWD Symposium in Detection and Imaging, Strasbourg
Soil moisture sensing by detection of cosmic ray neutrons, pdf-File
2016 5th International COSMOS Workshop, Copenhagen
Neutron Transport Modelling with URANOS and Footprint Sensitivity - Making Neutrons great again, pdf-File
2016 80th DPG Annual Conference, Darmstadt
The CASCADE Project - On the Phase Front of Neutron Detection (HK 70.6), pdf-File
2016 80th DPG Annual Conference, Regensburg
The method of soil moisture sensing by cosmic ray neutrons (UP 15.1), pdf-File
2016 Particle Physics Seminar, Bonn
For you: no charge - Neutron Detection
2015 Neutronen in der Forschung und Industrie, E21 TU München
On the Phase Front of Neutron Detection, pdf-File
2015 European Conference on Neutron Scattering (ECNS), Zaragossa
The CASCADE Project - a multi-layer 10B neutron detection system, pdf-File
2015 Design and Engineering of Neutron Instruments Meeting (DENIM), Budapest
The CASCADE Dectector - high-resolution neutron detection by solid 10B layers, pdf-File
2015 79th DPG Annual Conference, Heidelberg
Soil moisture sensing by cosmic ray induced neutron showers (UP 16.2), pdf-File
2015 79th DPG Annual Conference, Berlin
Irrtümer und deren Lehrsätze (GP 9.4), pdf-File
2014 Deutsche Tagung für Forschung mit Synchrotronstrahlung, Neutronen und Ionenstrahlen an Großgeräten 2014, Bonn
CASCADE - eine alternative Perspektive für Festkörper-Neutronendetektoren, pdf-File
2014 9th Annual PNN & Well Logging Conference, Klingenbach
Probing nano and macro scales: solid state detectors and cosmic neutron soil moisture determination, pdf-File
2014 International Workshop on Position Sensitive Neutron Detectors, Jülich
The CASCADE Project - a perspective for Solid State Detectors, pdf-File
2014 4th COSMOS Workshop, Leipzig
Monte-Carlo Simulations on the Detector Sensitivity to Cosmic-Ray induced Neutron Showers, pdf-File
2014 78th DPG Annual Conference, Berlin
Probing soil moisture by Cosmic Ray induced Neutron Showers (UP 7.3), pdf-File
2013 12th RD51 Collaboration Meeting, CERN
CASCADE: The synthesis of GEMs and Solid State Converters, pdf-File
2012 76th DPG Annual Conference, Mainz
Das CASCADE-Projekt: Neutronendetektion mittels Bor-10 als Alternative zu Helium-3 (HK 42.2), pdf-File
2011 Atoms - Neutrons - Particles Meeting, Heidelberg
Developing high resolution Time Projection Chambers - a GEM and TimePix approach, pdf-File
2010 5th RD51 Collaboration Meeting, Freiburg
Calibration of the TimePix chip and pad enlargement chips, pdf-File
2010 74th DPG Annual Conference, Bonn
Effizienzsteigerung durch Pixelvergrößerung? (T 57.9), pdf-File


2025 X. Wang et al.
Monitoring soil water content and measurement depth of cosmic-ray neutron sensing in the Tibetan Plateau
J. Hydrometeorol., 2, 155-167, DOI: 10.1175/JHM-D-23-0103.1
2025 T. Francke et al.
Virtual Joint Field Campaign: a framework of synthetic landscapes to assess multiscale measurement methods of water storage
Geosci. Model. Dev., 18(3), 819-842, DOI: 10.5194/gmd-18-819-2025
2024 M. Schrön et al.
Buoy-Based Detection of Low-Energy Cosmic-Ray Neutrons to Monitor the Influence of Atmospheric, Geomagnetic, and Heliospheric Effects
Earth Space Sci., 11(6), e2023EA003483, DOI: 10.1029/2023EA003483
2024 M. Köhli et al.
Arduino-Based Readout Electronics for Nuclear and Particle Physics
Sensors, 24(9), 2935, DOI: 10.3390/s24092935
2023 D. Rasche et al.
A change in perspective: downhole cosmic-ray neutron sensing for the estimation of soil moisture
Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 27(16), 3059-3082, DOI: 10.5194/hess-27-3059-2023
2023 T. Francke et al.
Three years of soil moisture observations by a dense cosmic-ray neutron sensing cluster at an agricultural research site in north-east Germany
Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 15(7), 3243-3262, DOI: 10.5194/essd-15-3243-2023
2023 C. Brogi et al.
Monitoring Irrigation in Small Orchards with Cosmic-Ray Neutron Sensors
Sensors, 23(5), 2378, DOI: 10.3390/s23052378
2023 M. Köhli et al.
URANOS v1.0 - the Ultra Rapid Adaptable Neutron-Only Simulation for Environmental Research
Geosci. Model. Dev., 16, 449-477, DOI: 10.5194/gmd-16-449-2023
2023 M. Schrön et al.
Signal contribution of distant areas to cosmic-ray neutron sensors - implications for footprint and sensitivity
Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 27(3), 723-738, DOI: 10.5194/hess-27-723-2023
2022 C. Brogi et al.
Feasibility of irrigation monitoring with cosmic-ray neutron sensors
Geosci. Instrum. Method. Data Syst., 11(2), 451-469, DOI: 10.5194/gi-11-451-2022
2022 M. Köhli et al.
Feasibility of UXO detection via pulsed neutron-neutron logging
Appl. Radiat. Isot., 110403, DOI: 10.1016/j.apradiso.2022.110403
2022 T. Francke et al.
Assessing the feasibility of a directional cosmic-ray neutron sensing sensor for estimating soil moisture
Geosci. Instrum. Methods Data Syst., 11(1), 75-92, DOI: 10.5194/gi-11-75-2022
2021 D. Rasche et al.
Towards disentangling heterogeneous soil moisture patterns in cosmic-ray neutron sensor footprints
Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 25(12), 6547-6566, DOI: 10.5194/hess-25-6547-2021
2021 P. Ney et al.
CRNS-based monitoring technologies for a weather and climate-resilient agriculture: realization by the ADAPTER project
2021 IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for Agriculture and Forestry, 203-208, DOI: 10.1109/MetroAgriFor52389.2021.9628766
2021 M. Köhli et al.
Potential von Impulse-Neutron-Neutron-Logging zur Kampfmitteldetektion
Altlasten Spektrum, 6, 193-198 DOI: 10.37307/j.1864-8371.2021.06.03
2021 J. Jakobi et al.
The footprint characteristics of cosmic ray thermal neutrons
Geophysical Research Letters, 48(15), e2021GL094281, DOI: 10.1029/2021GL094281
2021 A. Badiee et al.
Using Additional Moderator to Control the Footprint of a COSMOS Rover for Soil Moisture Measurement
Water Resources Research, 57(6), e2020WR028478, DOI: 10.1029/2020WR028478
2021 M. Köhli et al.
Soil Moisture and Air Humidity dependence of the above-ground cosmic-ray neutron intensity
Front. Water, 2, DOI: 10.3389/frwa.2020.544847
2020 J. Weimar et al.
Large-scale boron-lined neutron detection systems as a 3He alternative for Cosmic Ray Neutron Sensing
Front. Water, 2, DOI: 10.3389/frwa.2020.00016
2020 B. Fersch et al.
A dense network of cosmic-ray neutron sensors for soil moisture observation in a pre-alpine headwater catchment in Germany
Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 12(3), 2289-2309, DOI: 10.5194/essd-12-2289-2020
2019 P. Schattan et al.
Sensing area-average snow water equivalent with cosmic-ray neutrons: the influence of fractional snow cover
Water Resources Research, 55(12), 10796-10812, DOI: 10.1029/2019WR025647
Chosen as Cover Article
2019 D. Li et al.
Can Drip Irrigation be Scheduled with Cosmic-Ray Neutron Sensing?
Vadose Zone J., 18:190053, DOI: 10.2136/vzj2019.05.0053
2018 M. Köhli et al.
Response Functions for Detectors in Cosmic-Ray Neutron Sensing
Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A, 902, 184-189, DOI: 10.1016/j.nima.2018.06.052
2018 M. Schrön et al.
The Cosmic-Ray Neutron Rover - Mobile Surveys of Field Soil Moisture and the Influence of Roads
Water Resources Research, 54(9), 6441-6459, DOI: 10.1029/2017WR021719
Chosen as Cover Article
2018 M. Schrön et al.
Intercomparison of cosmic-ray neutron sensors and water balance monitoring in an urban environment
Geosci. Instrum. Method. Data Syst., 7(1), 83-99, DOI: 10.5194/gi-7-83-2018
2017 M. Schrön et al.
Improving calibration and validation of cosmic-ray neutron sensors in the light of spatial sensitivity
Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 21(10), 5009-5030, DOI: 10.5194/hess-21-5009-2017
Chosen as Highlight Article in
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences
European Geosciences Union Open Access Journals
2017 M. Köhli et al.
Novel Neutron Detectors based on the Time Projection Method
Physica B: Condensed Matter - ICNS Proceedings, DOI: 10.1016/j.physb.2018.03.026
2016 M. Köhli et al.
Efficiency and spatial resolution of the CASCADE thermal neutron detector
Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A, 828, 242-249, DOI: 10.1016/j.nima.2016.05.014
2016 M. Köhli et al.
CASCADE - a multi-layer Boron-10 neutron detection system
IOP Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 746, 012003 (VI European Conference on Neutron Scattering - ECNS2015), DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/746/1/012003
2015 M. Köhli et al.
Footprint characteristics revised for field-scale soil moisture monitoring with cosmic-ray neutrons
Water Resources Research, 51(7), 5772-5790, DOI: 10.1002/2015WR017169
- Project in close collaboration with Martin Schrön, UFZ Leipzig
Chosen as Cover Article
2015 M. Schrön et al.
Monitoring Environmental Water with Ground Albedo Neutrons and Correction for Incoming Cosmic Rays with Neutron Monitor Data
PoS (ICRC2015), 231, Link
2014 G. Modzel et al.
Absolute effciency measurements with the 10B based Jalousie detector
Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A, 734, 90-95, DOI: 10.1016/j.nima.2014.01.007
2012 G. Modzel et al.
The 10B based Jalousie neutron detector - an alternative for 3He filled position sensitive counter tubes
Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A, 686, 151-155, DOI: 10.1016/j.nima.2012.05.075
2012 J. Aguilar et al.
Infrastructure for Detector Research and Development towards the International Linear Collider - Instrumentation and Detectors, arXiv:1201.4657
2010 C. Brezina et al.
First Data Taking of the SiTPC module at the Large TPC Prototype

Scientific Highlight
"Footprint characteristics revised for field-scale soil moisture monitoring with cosmic-ray neutrons" chosen as Cover Article for Water Resources Research Vol 51 Issue 7


2019 M. Köhli, Group Prof. Dr. U. Schmidt, Physikalisches Institut, Heidelberg University
The CASCADE 10B thermal neutron detector and soil moisture sensing by cosmic-ray neutrons
pdf-File, 58 MB

Part M. Köhli, The CASCADE 10B thermal neutron detector
pdf-File, 46 MB, 218 pages

Part M. Köhli, Soil moisture sensing by cosmic-ray neutrons
pdf-File, 27 MB, 184 pages

Diploma Thesis

2010 M. Köhli, Group Prof. Dr. M. Schumacher, Physikalisches Institut, University of Freiburg
Entwicklung einer Labortestkammer für mikrostrukturierte Gasdetektoren mit hochpixellierter Auslese und Charakterisierung postprozessierter TimePix-Chips unter Verwendung von GEM-Folien zur Gasverstärkung
pdf-File, 30 MB


2023 Heidelberg University, HeiKa
Printed Cosmic Ray Neutron Sensors for Smart Agriculture

2022 Heidelberg University, EURAMET
Metrology for multi-scale monitoring of soil moisture

2021 Heidelberg University, DFG
Detector Development in Large-scale and high-resolution mapping of soil moisture on field and catchment scales - boosted by cosmic-ray neutrons

2021 Heidelberg University, DFG
Neutron Simulation in Large-scale and high-resolution mapping of soil moisture on field and catchment scales - boosted by cosmic-ray neutrons

2021 University of Bonn, BMBF
Instrumentierung zukünftiger Geräte an Neutronenquellen

2018 University of Bonn, BMBF
Ausleseinfrastruktur für Neutronendetektoren der nächsten Generation

2018 Heidelberg University, DFG
Detector Development in Large-scale and high-resolution mapping of soil moisture on field and catchment scales - boosted by cosmic-ray neutrons

2018 Heidelberg University, DFG
Neutron Simulation in Large-scale and high-resolution mapping of soil moisture on field and catchment scales - boosted by cosmic-ray neutrons

2016 University of Bonn, BMBF
Entwicklung zweier Bor-10 basierter mikrostrukturierter Detektorkonzepte zum Nachweis thermischer Neutronen auf Flächen von 30x30 cm2 für Hochratenanwendungen und mit dem Ziel höchster Orts- und Flugzeitauflösung

Other Projects and Materials

O GitHub
contribution account: mkoehli

O Statistische Methoden zur Datenauswertung im Fortgeschrittenen-Praktikum,
an overview about statistical methods of data analysis useful for Advanced Laboratory Courses
pdf-File, 500 kB
O Praktikumsanleitungen Fortgeschrittenen-Praktikum , Physikalisches Institut, University of Freiburg
concept and design, restructuring of teaching goals, FP I+II
SQUID and Hanle-Effect

O Color Scale for Statistical Graphics, e.g. ROOT,
using the HCL Color Scheme to scale hue linearly amongst a given range of values
based on
Zeileis et al.: Escaping RGBland: Selecting colors for statistical graphics DOI: 10.1016/j.csda.2008.11.033
C++ Implementation and ROOT Implementation
O Building your own ROOT classes,
a guide to implement user-defined classes into ROOT
pdf-File, 500 kB

O Articles for Magazines
CASCADE - a high resolution time-of-flight detector (FRM News)
Insights: The Helium-3 Crisis (FRM News)

O Peer Reviewer
Scientific Reports (IF 4.9) (Nature, ISSN 2045-2322)
Measurement (IF 5.6) (Elsevier, ISSN 0263-2241)
The Cryosphere (IF 5.2) (Copernicus Publications, ISSN 1994-0424)
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences (IF 5.8) (Copernicus Publications, ISSN 1812-2116)
Pedosphere (IF 6.2) (Elsevier, ISSN 1002-0160)
Soil and Tillage Research (IF 6.5) (Elsevier, ISSN 1879-3444)
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology (IF 6.2) (Elsevier, ISSN 1873-2240)
Environmental Earth Sciences (IF 2.8) (Springer, ISSN 1866-6299)
Frontiers in Water (IF 2.9) (Frontiers Media SA, ISSN 2624-9375)
Nuclear Engineering and Design (IF 1.7) (Elsevier, ISSN 0029-5493)
Nuclear Technology (IF 1.5) (Taylor & Francis, ISSN 1943-7471)
Applied Radiation and Isotopes (IF 1.6) (Elsevier, ISSN 1872-9800)
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment (IF 1.4) (Elsevier, ISSN 0168-9002)
Radiation Physics and Chemistry (IF 2.9) (Springer, ISSN 0969-806X)
Journal of Instrumentation (IF 1.3) (SISSA and IoP Publishing, ISSN 1748-0221)
Nuclear Science and Techniques (IF 2.8) (Springer, ISSN 2210-3147)
Sensors (IF 4.1) (MDPI, ISSN 1424-8220)
Particles (IF 1.4) (MDPI, ISSN 2571-712X)
Universe (IF 2.5) (MDPI, ISSN 2218-1997)
Agriculture (IF 3.5) (MDPI, ISSN 2077-0472)
Proceedings of the XXXVI Mazurian Lakes Conference (Cracow: Jagellonian University, ISSN 1509-5770)

Science Slams

O Morguen Rotwang
- EINST PLANCK HäTtE dies GUT geHEISEN (DPG Conference 2018, Würzburg)

- Quo Vadis? Vanitas! The 13.5 Lives of the Planck Constant (DPG Conference 2017, Münster)

O Public Outreach
- Ein Neutronenlaser? Aha! Ehmm...? (FameLab, Karlsruhe 2016)

- Das Wetter vorhersagen? Schwerter zu Pflugscharen. (IdeenExpo, Hannover 2016)

- Go to Hell - a guide for researchers (79th DPG Conference, Berlin 2015)
- Ziel: Nobelpreis - auf Wegen durch den Irrengarten (SNI 2014 Conference, Bonn)
- Perspektive Wissenschaft: Mit Umsinn und Unsicht durch den Irrengarten (Highlights der Physik, Saarbrücken 2014)
- Wie man mit explodierten Sternen und nicht explodierten Bomben nach dem Wetter von morgen fragt. (Saarbrücken 2014)

- Research about Researchers - Confused by Nobel Prizes (CETS 2014 Conference, Heidelberg)

Lecture assistance and teaching

2014 Seminar: The most important mistakes in physics' history
Interdisciplinary Seminar in collaboration with Science Historian Ernst Peter Fischer

2019 Experimental Physics V (Nuclear and Particle Physics) (Excercises and Teaching Assistance)

2018 Physik für Naturwissenschaftler II (Excercises and Teaching Assistance)

2018 Physik für Naturwissenschaftler I (Excercises and Teaching Assistance)

2017 Physik für Naturwissenschaftler II (Excercises and Teaching Assistance)

2017 Physik für Naturwissenschaftler I (Excercises and Teaching Assistance)


2024 Experimental Physics IV (Nuclear and Particle Physics)
2023 Experimental Physics IV (Nuclear and Particle Physics)
2022 Experimental Physics II (Electrodynamics)
2020 Experimental Physics II (Electrodynamics)
2019 Experimental Physics I (Mechanics)
2017 Detectors in Nuclear and Particle Physics (Seminar)
2016 Physik für Naturwissenschaftler I
2013 Experimental Physics V (Particle Physics)
2013 Moderne Techniken der Teilchenphysik (Seminar)
2013 Detektoren und Beschleuniger (Seminar)
2013 Experimental Physics IV (Atoms, Molecules)
2012 Experimental Physics III (Optics, Waves, Quantum Mechanics)
2010 Experimental Physics IV (Atoms, Molecules, Solid State)
2009 Fortgeschrittenen-Praktikum I (Hanle effect)
2009 Experimental Physics III (Optics, Waves, Quantum Mechanics)
2009 Fortgeschrittenen-Praktikum I (SQUID)
2009 Experimental Physics II (Electrodynamics)
2008 Experimental Physics I (Mechanics)
2008 Experimental Physics II (Electrodynamics)
2007 Physikalisches Praktikum für Mediziner
2006 Physikalisches Praktikum für Anfänger I (Mechanics)
2006 Physikalisches Praktikum für Mediziner


2020 6th international COSMOS Workshop Heidelberg
A joint workshop of the COSMOS project, the CosmicSense DFG research group and Heidelberg University
October 8-10

Supervision Assistance

2024 J. Marach, Master thesis
Simulating Cosmic Ray Neutron Sensing with vertically heterogeneous soil moisture
2024 S. Schmidt, Bachelor thesis
Entwicklung eines Detektors für kosmische Myonen
2023 L. Bui, Bachelor thesis
Detektion von Myonen in einem Proportionalzählrohr für thermische Neutronen
2022 J. Weimar, Doctoral thesis
Advances in Cosmic-Ray Neutron Simulations by Monte-Carlo Simulations and Neutron Detector Development
2018 A. Lambertz, Bachelor thesis
Entwicklung eines grossflächigen Szintillator-Triggersystems mit wellenlängenschiebenden Fasern für Neutronendetektoren
2017 L. Weber, Bachelor thesis
Konzeption und Bau eines Szintillationstriggers zur Detektion thermischer Neutronen
2017 F. Schmidt, Bachelor thesis
Entwicklung eines SiPM-Szintillationstriggers für einen Neutronendetektor
2017 T. Wagner, Master thesis
Design and prototyping of two high resolution boron based neutron detectors BODELAIRE and BASTARD
2017 J. Weimar, Master thesis
Entwicklung und Charakterisierung eines 10B-basierten Neutronendetektionssystem zur Bestimmung von Bodenfeuchte auf der Hektarskala
2014 M. Liebig, Diploma thesis
Weiterentwicklung eines CASCADE-Detektors für MIEZE-Anwendungen
2013 M. Kästner, Diploma thesis
Entwicklung und Design eines Beammonitors für das PERC Experiment und Entwicklung einer VHDL-Firmware zur Inbetriebnahme des n-XYTER Auslesechips
2011 P. Gohn, Staatsexamensarbeit
Aufbau und didaktische Aufbereitung eines Experimentes zum Ramaneffekt im Rahmen des Fortgeschrittenenpraktikums

Internal Talks

2025 Traceability for Cosmic Ray Neutron Sensing: Monte Carlo Studies for Bonner-Sphere-based spectrum reconstruction (SoMMet M27 Meeting)
2024 Bodenfeuchte und Neutronen aus der kosmischen Strahlung (DFG Nachwuchsakademie Hei-Instruments)
2023 Neutron Detector Response Function Simulations (SoMMet M18 Meeting)
2023 Exploring the Opportunities and Challenges of CRNS Instruments (PTB SoMMet Mutual Training)
2022 Scope and Science of Neutron Detection (HighRR Seminar)
2019 Monte Carlo results on the Cosmic-Ray Neutron intensity as a function of soil moisture and air humidity (CosmicSense)
2018 The Neutron - a Half-Life story (Jamboree)
2017 The Microcontroller Tinkerer - Arduino-up your life (Jamboree)
2017 Soil Moisture Sensing by Cosmic Ray Neutrons (Jamboree)
2015 Application of Neutron Detectors in Environmental Physics (PAT Seminar)
2014 Particle Physics' Cradle: Neutron Detection Systems (Palaver Talks)
2014 The Structure of Scientific Revolutions (Seminar: The most important Mistakes in Physic's History)
2013 Under my Umbrella - Rain and Neutron showers (ANP seminar)
2013 The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen - confused about Nobel Prizes ...again (ANP seminar)
2013 The Riddler - Framing a Puzzle (ANP seminar)
2013 Welcome to the other side - Neutron Detectors (Detectors in Particle Physics seminar)
2013 Universitäten. Seit 1386. Ein unphysikalischer Beitrag (ANP seminar)
2012 Those Magnificent Men in their Flying Machines - confused about Nobel Prizes (ANP seminar)
2012 Divina Cascadia - a guide through the 9 circles of hell (ANP seminar)
2011 Developing high resolution Time Projection Chambers - a GEM and TimePix approach (ANP seminar)
2010 The arrow of time - Decoherence (Interdisciplinary seminar of philosophy and physics)
2009 Ein Scherbenhaufen? Rehydroxylationsdatierung (Archeometry lecture)
2009 Outcomes after 9 months - a report about GEM & TimePix (HEP seminar)

Schools and Participations

2024 DFG Nachwuchsakademie HEI-Instruments, Heidelberg
2024 Deutsche Neutronenstreutagung, Aaachen
- with poster contribution:
Printed Neutron Converter Foils, pdf-File
2024 87th DPG Annual Conference, Giessen
- with poster contribution:
Arduino-based readout electronics for particle detectors (HK 72.62) pdf-File
2023 2nd TERENO-OZCAR conference, Bonn
- with poster contribution:
- Cosmic-Ray Neutron Sensing - precision soil moisture measurements at the hectometer scale, pdf-File
2022 COSMIC SWAMP - CRNS IoT campaign, Brazil
2022 SNI2022 - German Conference for Research with Synchrotrons and Neutrons, Berlin
2022 WUE2G - eLTER PLUS campaign, Israel
2021 European Geophysical Union Meeting 2021, Internet
2020 German Neutron Scattering Conference, Internet
- with poster contributions:
- URANOS - a voxel engine Neutron Transport Monte carlo Simulation, pdf-File
- Boron-lined tubes and readout electronics for low count-rate environments, pdf-File
2020 EGU Virtual Assembly, Internet
- with display contribution:
- Large-scale alternative detection systems for CRNS
- Moisture and humidity dependence of the above-ground cosmic-ray neutron intensity
2019 European Neutron Scattering Conference, St. Petersburg
- with poster contribution:
- URANOS - modeling cosmic-ray neutrons, pdf-File
- High resolution neutron detection using GridPix chips, pdf-File

2019 EGU General Assembly, Vienna
- with poster contribution:
- URANOS - modeling cosmic-ray neutrons, pdf-File
2018 German Neutron Scattering Conference, Munich
- with poster contributions:
- Particle detection with Arduino-based frontend electronics, pdf-File
- High resolution neutron detection using GridPix chips, pdf-File

2018 International Workshop on Position Sensitive Dectors, Jülich
with poster contributions:
- URANOS - a voxel engine Neutron Transport Monte Carlo Simulation, pdf-File
- Spatially resolved soil moisture sensing by cosmic ray neutrons, pdf-File
- Arduino-based Readout Electronics for Neutron Physics, pdf-File

2017 HEPTech Symposium, GSI Darmstadt
2016 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, Strasbourg
2016 German Neutron Scattering Conference, Kiel
- with poster contributions:
- The CASCADE Detector, pdf-File
- Soil Moisture Sensing, pdf-File

2016 Woman, Citizenship and Voting Rights, Lissabon
2016 Bonn-NIKHEF Meeting, Bonn
2015 1st Helmholtz Cross Program Activitity Workshop, Sekundäre Neutronen in der Medizin und Strahlenschutz, Munich
2015 Symposium Classicum Peregrinum, Budapest
2014 8th Central European Training School on neutron techniques, Budapest
- with poster contribution:
The CASCADE Detector, pdf-File

2014 XXXIII Heidelberg Physics Graduate Days, Heidelberg
2014 78th DPG Conference, Frankfurt
2014 XXXII Heidelberg Physics Graduate Days, Heidelberg
2013 1st International Conference on Neutron Imaging and Neutron Methods in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage Research, Munich
2013 XXXI Heidelberg Physics Graduate Days, Heidelberg
2013 International Workshop on Neutron Optics and Detectors, Munich
2013 77th DPG Annual Conference, Dresden
2013 XXX Heidelberg Physics Graduate Days, Heidelberg
2012 XXIX Heidelberg Physics Graduate Days, Heidelberg
2012 German Neutron Scattering Conference, Bonn
- with poster contribution:
The CASCADE Detector, pdf-File

2012 PNCMI 2012: 9th International workshop on Polarised Neutrons in Condensed Matter Investigations, Paris
2012 43rd IFF Spring School: Scattering Methods for Condensed Matter Research, Jülich
2012 XXVIII Heidelberg Physics Graduate Days, Heidelberg

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