The heavy ion physics group studies the phase diagram of nuclear matter. At high temperature and density nuclear matter is changing its properties. First to a hot gas of hadrons and eventually it turns into a new phase, the quark gluon plasma (QGP) in which confinement of quarks and gluons - the fundamental constituents of protons, neutrons ands nuclear matter - is lifted.
- ALICE - Suche nach dem Quark-Gluon-Plasma am LHC
- CERES - Elektronen-Paar-Produktion in Pb-Pb-Kollisionen am CERN SPS
- isoQuant - Untersuchung isolierter Quantensysteme
- Detector R&D - Monolithic silicon pixel detectors
- NA60 - Myon-Produktion in Proton-Proton- und Kern-Kern-Kollisionen am CERN SPS