The reactor building of the ILL (Institut Laue Langevin) in Grenoble, housing the
european high flux neutron source.
View onto the ILL reactor (photo courtesy of www.ill.fr).
The electron spectrometer Perkeo III set up at the cold neutron beam place PF1b viewed towards the beamstop.
The overall length of the instrument is almost 9 meters. Its magnetic field - used to guide the decay electrons
onto the detectors - is generated using water cooled copper coils.
Perkeo viewed towards the reactor. In the front of the picture one can see the detector vessel housing the
downstream detector.
One of the two large electron detectors inside its transport box. The blue "glow" is the scintillation light.
A view on the working area of the PF1b beam position. On the left you can see our power supplies to
generate the magnetic field.
The beamline is already assembled. It is used to collimate the neutron beam and to guide it through
the spectrometer.
Perkeo III fully eqipped with water hoses to cool the copper coils and wires to supply the currents
to generate the magnetic field.
A look into the first detector vessel and the upstream beamline.
The mountain "Neron" which is located right next to the Institute. The buildings on the left
belong top the European Synchroton Facility ESRF.
A view onto the center of Grenoble. The picture was taken from the Bastille, a fortress
above the city.
The Isere is the river crossing Grenoble.