Ruprecht Karls Universität Heidelberg

Bachelor-, Master- und Doktorarbeiten


Leakage Currents in High Voltage Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors in the context of the LHCb Upgrade II MightyTracker
David Kuhn (Bachelorarbeit, 2025)

Commissioning, Calibration & Early Performance of the LHCb Scintillating Fibre Tracker
Lukas Witola (Dissertation, 2025)


Electron track reconstruction studies and improvement for LHCb‘s real-time analysis trigger
Furkan Selim Cetin (Bachelorarbeit, 2024)

Position reconstruction of scattering events in the TPC of the DARWIN observatory to improve the radiogenic neutron background separation
Julian Kusch (Bachelorarbeit, 2024)

Measurement of the Branching Fraction of the Rare Decay B+->K+pi+pi-mu+mu-
Laura Luisa Scholl (Bachelorarbeit, 2024)

Neutral meson measurements with the Photon Conversion Method in ALICE Run 3 in proton-proton collisions at √s = 13.6 TeV
Julia Schlägel (Diplomarbeit, 2024)

Investigations into Momentum-Specialised Graph Neural Networks for Online Track Reconstruction in the ATLAS Event Filter
Poppy Hicks (Masterarbeit, 2024)

Material Budget Imaging for mockup samples of the ALICE ITS3 with an electron beam at energies of 2.4 GeV and 4.8 GeV
Simon Groß-Boelting (Masterarbeit, 2024)

Performance study on photon measurements using the Photon Conversion Method with ALICE in Run 3
Alica Enderich (Bachelorarbeit, 2024)

Using spectator neutrons to determine the fluctuating shapes of the QGP droplets created in heavy-ion collisions at the LHC
Michael Rudolf Ciupek (Dissertation, 2024)

Air cooling tests for the Outer Tracker detector of ALICE 3
Henry Rainer (Bachelorarbeit, 2024)

Developing an analysis task in O2Physics for detection of the χc in ALICE at the CERN LHC
Isabel Kantak (Bachelorarbeit, 2024)

Temperature sensitivity study & verification of the MuPix11 fast differential data links for the Mu3e experiment
Florian Schötzer (Bachelorarbeit, 2024)

Feasibility study of a double arm spectrometer for the energy loss measurement of charged particles
Laura Bees (Bachelorarbeit, 2024)

Search for Lepton Flavour Violation in four-body charm decays at LHCb
Daniel Unverzagt (Dissertation, 2024)

Study of charm quark thermalization in the quark-gluon plasma produced at RHIC
Rossana Facen (Masterarbeit, 2024)

Ξ-baryon reconstruction with ALICE in LHC Run 3 data
Tim Florian Weinreich (Bachelorarbeit, 2024)

Fluid-dynamic description of heavy quarks in the quark-gluon plasma
Federica Capellino (Dissertation, 2024)

Bent monolithic active pixel sensors and material budget imaging studies towards the ALICE ITS3 upgrade
Mihail-Bogdan Blidaru (Dissertation, 2024)

Track Reconstruction Using Cellular Automata for the High Luminosity LHC
Sachin Grupta (Masterarbeit, 2024)

Feasibility Study of a Graph-Neural-Network-Based Cosmic Muon Trigger for the Mu3e Experiment
David Karres (Bachelorarbeit, 2024)

Feasibility Study of a Graph-Neural-Network-Based Cosmic Muon Trigger for the Mu3e Experiment
David Tobias Karres (Bachelorarbeit, 2024)

Feasibility Study for the Reconstruction of very low pT Pions, Kaons and Protons with ALICE in Run 3
Jonas Kleine (Bachelorarbeit, 2024)

Study on a possible opposite side proton tagger for LHCb Upgrade II using a TORCH detector
Anselm de Jonge (Bachelorarbeit, 2024)

Measurement of the B0s oscillation frequency dms in the B0s -> Ds pi+ decay with 2024
Hannes Trescher (Bachelorarbeit, 2024)

Investigating the properties of quark-gluon plasma through Bayesian inference
Rafet Kavak (Masterarbeit, 2024)


Simulation and analysis of cluster shapes in the ALPIDE monolithic active pixel sensor
Fabian Koenigstein (Bachelorarbeit, 2023)

Tracking low momentum protons with the ALICE Pixel Detector
Anouk Kaiser (Bachelorarbeit, 2023)

Simulation of proton reaction cross-section measurements using ALPIDE monolithic active pixel sensors
Johannes Hensler (Bachelorarbeit, 2023)

Memory Effects and Aging - Ergodicity Breaking Behaviour in Isolated Quantum Systems
Moritz Hornung (Masterarbeit, 2023)

Development of a Quality Control Procedure for MuPix11 Pixel Sensors for the Mu3e Vertex Detector
Anna Lelia Maria Fuchs (Bachelorarbeit, 2023)

A first search for the decay B+ → µ+νe+e−
Tom Wolf (Masterarbeit, 2023)

Search for the non-resonant Vector Boson Fusion production of the Higgs boson pairs decaying to bbbb final state using the ATLAS detector
Marta Maja Czury?o (Dissertation, 2023)

Feasibility study of Ξ+c in proton-lead collisions at √sNN = 5.02 TeV with the ALICE detector
Sarah Liedtke (Bachelorarbeit, 2023)

Digital Twins of Patients In Urology - A Proposed Architecture
Anna-Katharina Nitschke (Masterarbeit, 2023)

Fluid description of charged hadron production in xenon-xenon collisions at √sNN = 5.44 TeV
Franziska Sophie Masuch (Bachelorarbeit, 2023)

Radiation Damage Studies of a HV-CMOS particle detector in view of the application in the LHCb MightyTracker
Maja Lecher (Masterarbeit, 2023)

TCAD Simulations and Characterization of High-Voltage Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors
Annie Meneses González (Dissertation, 2023)

Towards the first observation of the leptonic B+ → μ+νμe+e− decay
Antonios Kontopoulos (Bachelorarbeit, 2023)

Characterization of APTS, an analog MAPS test structure fabricated in 65 nm CMOS technology
David Schledewitz (Masterarbeit, 2023)

Search for the lepton flavour violating decay τ+ → µ+ µ− µ+ with the LHCb experiment
Giulia Frau (Dissertation, 2023)

Energy-straggling analysis of the Digital Pixel Test Structure, a MAPS prototype produced in 65 nm TPSCo CMOS technology towards ALICE ITS3
Marius Wilm Menzel (Masterarbeit, 2023)

Track Reconstruction Development and Commissioning for LHCb’s Run 3 Real-time Analysis Trigger
Paul André Günther (Dissertation, 2023)

On-chip temperature measurements and studies of temperature effects on the pulse shaping of the MuPix11
Paul Wolf (Bachelorarbeit, 2023)

Disentangling the Diffusive Part of the Drift-Dominated Signal Generation in a High-Ohmic Run2021v2 HV-MAPS Prototype
Ruben Kolb (Masterarbeit, 2023)

High Resolution Time Measurement in Pixel Detectors
Alexander Schmidt (Masterarbeit, 2023)

Towards the first observation of the leptonic B+ → μ+νμe+e− decay
Antonios Kontopoulos (Diplomarbeit, 2023)

Electron identification with the ALICE TRD in LHC Run 3 and 4
Felix Schlepper (Masterarbeit, 2023)

Free-streaming approach to linearized fluid dynamics in heavy-ion collisions
Mika Holzem (Bachelorarbeit, 2023)

Performance test of the KF Particle package for open heavy-flavour baryon reconstruction with ALICE
Phil Stahlhut (Bachelorarbeit, 2023)

Measurement of the branching fraction of D0 → K− π+ e− e+ with the LHCb experiment
Stefan Blenkle (Masterarbeit, 2023)

Feasibility study of the non-prompt Λ+c → pK−π+ analysis in p–Pb collisions at √sNN = 5.02 TeV with ALICE
Christian Kleiber (Bachelorarbeit, 2023)

Measurement of the Background Muon Flux for the proposed SHADOWS Experiment
Celina Welschoff (Bachelorarbeit, 2023)

Measurement of the Triple-Differential Cross-Section for the Production of Multijet Events using 139 fb?1 of Proton-Proton Collision Data at ps = 13TeV with the ATLAS Detector to Disentangle Quarks and Gluons at the Large Hadron Collider
Christof Sauer (Dissertation, 2023)

Determination of systematic uncertainties of the J/ψ measurement in ALICE TRD-triggered pp-collisions at √s = 13 TeV
Hannah Gebhardt (Bachelorarbeit, 2023)

Towards a Measurement of CP Asymmetry in D(s)+ -> K+ eta'
Johann Nicolas Himbert (Bachelorarbeit, 2023)

Emergence of Synchronisation in a Driven-Dissipative Hot Rydberg Vapour
Karen Wadenpfuhl (Masterarbeit, 2023)

Optimization of CBM physics performance for Ξ− baryon yield measurements with machine learning techniques
Lisa-Katrin Kuemmerer (Bachelorarbeit, 2023)

Measurement of the branching fraction of the rare decay Bs0 -> ?γ
Penelope Hoffmann (Bachelorarbeit, 2023)

Machine Learning Studies for the Sexaquark Search in ALICE using Boosted Decision Trees
Sven Hoppner (Masterarbeit, 2023)

Exploiting the potential of upstream track reconstruction to enhance the sensitivity of CP asymmetry measurements in D0 -> Ks Ks decays in Run 3 at LHCb
Yukai Zhao (Bachelorarbeit, 2023)


The Mu3e Vertex Detector - Construction, Cooling, And First Prototype Operation
Thomas T. Rudzki (Dissertation, 2022)

Estimated number of χc-states in pp collisions at √ s = 13 TeV with ALICE in LHC Run 3
Carlotta Rosenthal (Bachelorarbeit, 2022)

Measurement of Ξ+c in proton–proton collisions at √s = 13 TeV with the ALICE detector
Carolina Reetz (Masterarbeit, 2022)

Measurement of the branching fraction for D 0→ K −π +[e +e −]ρ,ω
Fabian Linsenmeier (Bachelorarbeit, 2022)

Identification of inelastic interactions of light antinuclei in the Transition Radiation Detector in ALICE using Graph Neural Networks
Maximilian Hammermann (Bachelorarbeit, 2022)

Neural network regression for particle identification with the ALICE TPC detector in Run 3
Christian Sonnabend (Masterarbeit, 2022)

Inner Bremsstrahlung from leptonic J/psi decays with ALICE
Kristian Köhler (Bachelorarbeit, 2022)

Hardware-Implementation eines Algorithmus zur Trefferauswahl in einem Triplet Track Trigger
Aleem Ahmad Tariq Sheikh (Bachelorarbeit, 2022)

Jet-hadron correlations to search for Mach cone signals in Pb-Pb with ALICE at the LHC
Jiyoung Kim (Dissertation, 2022)

Study of potential decay-time biases in the data processing of the upgraded LHCb experiment
Paula Herrero Gascón (Masterarbeit, 2022)

ALICE TRD electron trigger performance in pp collisions at sqrt{s} = 13 TeV
Felix Korbinian Waldherr (Bachelorarbeit, 2022)

Advances in Cosmic-Ray Neutron Sensing by Monte Carlo simulations and neutron detector development
Jannis Weimar (Dissertation, 2022)

Measurement of the branching ratio of D→Kπμμ
Marta Fuentes Zamoro (Bachelorarbeit, 2022)

Phenomenological study of J/Ψ emission in p-Pb collisions at the LHC
Nicola Wilson (Bachelorarbeit, 2022)

Commissioning of the Front-End Electronics of the LHCb Scintillating Fibre Tracker
Daniel Alexander Berninghoff (Dissertation, 2022)

Tests of an HV-CMOS Prototype for the LHCb MightyTracker
Lucas Dittmann (Masterarbeit, 2022)

Study of B0->K*0e+e+ decays for a new test of lepton flavor universality in the high di-lepton invariant mass region at the LHCb experiment
Miguel Ruiz Díaz (Masterarbeit, 2022)

Multidimensional parameter optimization in fluid dynamic simulations of heavy-ion collisions
Yannis Seemann (Masterarbeit, 2022)

Investigation of the effect of material interaction on neutral charm meson mixing at the LHCb experiment
Lennart Uecker (Masterarbeit, 2022)

Studies of jets in heavy-ion collisions at ALICE with a novel mixed-event approach
Nadine Alice Grünwald (Masterarbeit, 2022)

Hydrodynamic modeling of J/psi transverse momentum spectra and anisotropic flow at sqrt(s_NN)=5.02 TeV using FluiduM
Hjalmar Brunßen (Bachelorarbeit, 2022)

Analysis of the influence from prompt Ξ±c hadrons on the Primary Vertex in Simulated Data
Jan Hubrich (Bachelorarbeit, 2022)

Software development and validation for photon measurements in Run 3 using the photon conversion method in ALICE
Nikita Philip Tatsch (Bachelorarbeit, 2022)


Calibration of the angular analysis of B0 → K∗0e+e− with B0 → K∗0J/ψ(→ e+e−)
Celine Beier (Bachelorarbeit, 2021)

A feasibility study for the search of the lepton flavour violating decay $ au^- ophi(K^+K^-)mu^-$ at the LHCb experiment
Chishuai Wang (Masterarbeit, 2021)

Search for physics beyond the Standard Model in an angular analysis of the B+ → K∗+μ+μ− decay at LHCb
David Gerick (Dissertation, 2021)

Characterisation of the time resolution of the MuPix10 pixel sensor
Florian Frauen (Bachelorarbeit, 2021)

Identification of Monte-Carlo photon conversions from simulations in ALICE using XGBoost
Xuan-Xuyen Nguyen (Bachelorarbeit, 2021)

Determination of the detector acceptance for heavy neutral lepton searches at LHCb
Rebecca Gartner (Bachelorarbeit, 2021)

Development of a novel slow control interface and suppression of signal line crosstalk enabling HV-MAPS as sensor technology forMu3e
Heiko Augustin (Dissertation, 2021)

Amplitude Analysis of the Decay Bs0 → ψ(2S)π+π− with the LHCb Experiment
Jascha Grabowski (Dissertation, 2021)

Search for heavy neutral leptons in inclusive B decays at the LHCb experiment
Maurice Morgenthaler (Masterarbeit, 2021)

Angular analysis of the decay B+ → (K∗+ → K+ π0) μ+ μ− with the LHCb experiment
Renata Kopecna (Dissertation, 2021)

Measurement of the rate and angular distribution of cosmic muons with an ALPIDE telescope
David Schledewitz (Bachelorarbeit, 2021)

Differential analysis of the ALICE TRD anode currents
Felix Schlepper (Bachelorarbeit, 2021)

Studies of B0 → K∗0 γ transitions reconstructed in the K∗0 e+ e− final state
Jonathan Brandt (Masterarbeit, 2021)

Towards an inclusive search for heavy neutral leptons at the LHCb experiment
Bernd Kristof Mumme (Bachelorarbeit, 2021)

Analysis of the Decay at LHCb B+ → ψ(2S)(→ μ+μ−) π+ k0s(→ π+π−)
Pallav Mohan (Masterarbeit, 2021)

Optimizing event selection for the search of the very rare B0 → μ+μ− decay
Dominik Wilken (Bachelorarbeit, 2021)

First look at J/psi production in TRD-triggered pp collisions at sqrt{s} = 13 TeV with ALICE
Sophie Rohletter (Bachelorarbeit, 2021)

Reconstruction study of the S particle dark matter candidate at ALICE
Fabio Schlichtmann (Masterarbeit, 2021)

Tracking cosmic muons with the ALICE pixel detector - A study of monolithic active pixel sensors and telescope alignment
Maurice Donner (Bachelorarbeit, 2021)

Reconstruction of Lambda_c^+ in p-Pb collisions at sqrt(s_NN) = 5.02 TeV with the ALICE detector
Annalena Kalteyer (Masterarbeit, 2021)

Performance and characterisation of bent monolithic active pixel sensors (MAPS) for the application in future tracking detectors using the example of the ALPIDE chip
Pascal Becht (Masterarbeit, 2021)

Inclusive J/psi production in Pb-Pb collisions at sqrt(s_NN)=5.02 TeV with ALICE
Alena Gromada (Dissertation, 2021)

Measurement of the Lambda_c production in proton-proton collisions for Lambda_c -> pK0s at sqrt(s)=5.02 TeV with the ALICE detector
Simon Gross-Boelting (Bachelorarbeit, 2021)

Development of Integrated Circuits and Smart Sensors for Particle Detection in Physics Experiments and Particle Therapy
Alena Larissa Weber (Dissertation, 2021)

Testing of a Method for the Sensor Thickness Determination and a Cluster Size Study for the MuPix10
Jakob Stricker (Bachelorarbeit, 2021)

Investigating the Initial State of Heavy-Ion Collisions through Measurements of Anysotropic Flow using Spectator Neutrons with ALICE at the LHC
Lukas Kreis (Dissertation, 2021)

Pulse Shape Characterization and Allpix Squared Simulation of the MuPix10
Stephan Lachnit (Bachelorarbeit, 2021)


Strategy for measuring the mass of hypertriton with the ALICE detector
Anton Eberhardt (Bachelorarbeit, 2020)

Common-mode effect and ion-tail analysis of the GEM upgrade of the ALICE TPC at CERN
Panagiota Chatzidaki (Masterarbeit, 2020)

Search for the lepton flavour violating decay τ− → μ−μ+μ− with the LHCb experiment
Rowina Caspary (Masterarbeit, 2020)

Characterization of a Monolithic Pixel Sensor Prototype in HV-CMOS Technology for the High-Luminosity LHC
Adrian Herkert (Dissertation, 2020)

Towards a test of lepton universality in B0 →K*(892)0e+e- at high q2.
Lennart Uecker (Bachelorarbeit, 2020)

Space Point Calibration of the ALICE TPC with Track Residuals
Marten Ole Schmidt (Dissertation, 2020)

Production of (anti-)^3He, (anti-)^3H in p-Pb collisions at sqrt(sNN)=5.02TeV measured with ALICE at the LHC
Sebastian Hornung (Dissertation, 2020)

Measurement of the CKM matrix elements |Vub|/|Vcb| from semileptonic Bs decays
Svende Braun (Dissertation, 2020)

Systems Development towards a Grazing Incidence Helium Atom Scattering Experiment
Arno Friedrich (Masterarbeit, 2020)

Timing Study and Optimization of ATLASPix3 a full-scale HV-MAPS Prototype
Dohun Kim (Masterarbeit, 2020)

Towards an Online Reconstruction of Cosmic Muons for Mu3e using Hardware-Based Pattern Recognition
Kontanstin Neureither (Bachelorarbeit, 2020)

Impact of initial conditions on integrated particle yields from Pb-Pb collisions at sqrt(s_NN) = 2.76 TeV and 5.02 TeV
Sarah Lisa Goerlitz (Bachelorarbeit, 2020)

A Triplet Track Trigger for Future High Rate Collider Experiments
Tamasi Rameshchandra Kar (Dissertation, 2020)

On the influence of temperature-dependent eta/s on transverse-momentum particle spectra in heavy-ion collisions
Christian Sonnabend (Bachelorarbeit, 2020)

Calibration of the MuPix10 Pixel Sensor for the Mu3e Experiment
Marius Wilm Menzel (Bachelorarbeit, 2020)

Electron-Irradiation and Performance Test of the MuPix8 Silicon Pixel Sensor for the Mu3e Experiment
Sebastian Preuß (Bachelorarbeit, 2020)

Test of CPT theorem invariance via mass difference of Omega hyperons
Georgijs Skorodumovs (Masterarbeit, 2020)

Analoge Charakterisierung und Optimierung des HV-MAPS Prototypen ATLASPix3
Lukas Mandok (Bachelorarbeit, 2020)

Simultaneous blast-wave description of transverse momentum spectra and elliptic flow data at sNN = 7.7 GeV - 5.02 TeV
Nadine Grünwald (Bachelorarbeit, 2020)

Effect of feeddown contributions on blast-wave descriptions of elliptic flow and particle spectra data in heavy ion collisions
Nikita Schmal (Bachelorarbeit, 2020)

Implementation of a Stand Alone Tracking Algorithm for the Transition Radiation Detector in ALICE using a Kalman Filter Approach
Sven Hoppner (Bachelorarbeit, 2020)


Symbolic Regression in Heavy-Ion Physics
David Korbany (Bachelorarbeit, 2019)

Time-dependent measurement of CP violation and determination of the CKM angle γ using B0s→Ds±K?π+π− decays with the LHCb experiment
Matthieu Kecke (Dissertation, 2019)

First observation of the decay Ξb- → J/Ψ(→ μ+ + μ– ) + p+ + K– + K– at the LHCb experiment
Maurice Morgenthaler (Bachelorarbeit, 2019)

Development of the FPGA-based Raw Data Preprocessor for the TPC Readout Upgrade in ALICE
Sebastian Klewin (Dissertation, 2019)

Towards a Data-Driven Simulation of QCD Radiation with Generative Models utilizing Machine Learning Methods.
Christof Sauer (Masterarbeit, 2019)

Electrons from semi-leptonic decays of heavy-????avour hadrons at mid-rapidity and low transverse momenta in pp collisions at √s = 5.02 TeV
Michael Ciupek (Masterarbeit, 2019)

Study of the nuclear modication factor of charged particles in Pb-Pb and Xe-Xe collisions with ALICE
Richard Kaiser (Masterarbeit, 2019)

Discharge propagation in double-GEM detectors
Bogdan-Mihail Blidaru (Masterarbeit, 2019)

Reconstruction of the Hadronic Decay of the Ξ0c Baryon with the ALICE Detector – Investigation of Charm Production and Validation of the KF Particle Package
Carolina Reetz (Bachelorarbeit, 2019)

Probing the path-length dependence of jet energy loss with correlation functions in JEWEL
Luisa Bergmann (Masterarbeit, 2019)

Inclusive J/Psi production at mid-rapidity in pp and Pb-Pb collisions with ALICE
Dennis Weiser (Dissertation, 2019)

Probing the Standard Model flavor structure with hadronic beauty and charm decays
Philippe d’Argent (Dissertation, 2019)

CP violation and lifetime measurements in the decay B0s → J/ψ φ with the LHCb experiment
Simon Stemmle (Dissertation, 2019)

The CASCADE 10B thermal neutron detector and soil moisture sensing by cosmic-ray neutrons
Markus Köhli (Dissertation, 2019)

Secondary discharge studies in a single-GEM detector in the scope of the ALICE TPC upgrade
Daniel Baitinger (Masterarbeit, 2019)

Calibration and performance studies of the readout ASIC for the LHCb SciFi Tracker
Lukas Witola (Masterarbeit, 2019)

Identification of non-prompt D+ → K− π+ π+ decays and application to B?0 → D+ Ds− at the LHCb experiment
Nicola Alain Ackermann (Bachelorarbeit, 2019)

Measurement of Differential ρ0 Photoproduction Cross-Sections at HERA
Arthur E. Bolz (Dissertation, 2019)

Amplitude analysis of Λ0b → Λ+c D0K− decays and pentaquark searches in the Λ+c D0 system at the LHCb experiment
Alessio Piucci (Dissertation, 2019)

Study of the performance of a kinematic constraint reconstruction of the missing momentum in partially reconstructed events in Λb0 → Λc+ D0* K− decays
Benjamin Bentner (Bachelorarbeit, 2019)

Measurement of time-dependent Charge-Parity asymmetries in neutral charm meson decays
Daniel Unverzagt (Masterarbeit, 2019)

Production of (anti-)deuterons in Pb-Pb collisions and via the spallation process
Yannis Seemann (Bachelorarbeit, 2019)


Mass difference between matter and anti-matter
Alissa Fink (Bachelorarbeit, 2018)

Quality assurance of gas electron multiplier foils for the ALICETPC upgrade via leakage current measurements
Pascal Becht (Bachelorarbeit, 2018)

Search for new physics in rare four-body charm decays at LHCb
Dominik Mitzel (Dissertation, 2018)

Pressure and high-voltage calibration of the ALICE Transition Radiation Detector
Fabio Schlichtmann (Bachelorarbeit, 2018)

A High Rate Testbeam Data Acquisition System and Characterization of High Voltage Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors
Lennart Huth (Dissertation, 2018)

Measurements of ion mobility and GEM discharge studies for the upgrade of the ALICE time projection chamber
Alexander Deisting (Dissertation, 2018)

Entropy in Pb-Pb Collisions at the LHC
Patrick Hanus (Bachelorarbeit, 2018)

Measurement of the mixing frequency ?ms of the Bs meson using the decay Bs → Ds- (K- K+ π- )π+ π- π+ with the LHCb detector
Jan Maintok (Bachelorarbeit, 2018)

First observation of the decay Λb0 → Λc+ Dbar0(*) K- in preparation of a pentaquark search in the Λc+ Dbar0(∗) system at the LHCb experiment
Marian Stahl (Dissertation, 2018)

Inclusive J/psi production at mid-rapidity in Pb-Pb collisions at sqrt(s_NN)= 5.02 TeV
Tonatiuh Jimenez Bustamante (Dissertation, 2018)

Thermal Analysis of the Silicon Pixel Detector for the Mu3e Experiment
Constantin Tormann (Bachelorarbeit, 2018)

A fast GEM HV analogue current readout system for the ALICE TPC upgrade at CERN LHC
Friedrich Anastasopoulos (Bachelorarbeit, 2018)

Considering the Effects of Radial Flow in Decay Photon Calculations in Ultrarelativistic Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions
Ilya Fokin (Bachelorarbeit, 2018)

Fast data acquisition for silicon tracking detectors at high rates
Sebastian Dittmeier (Dissertation, 2018)

Analog Characterization and Time Resolution of a large scale HV-MAPS Prototype
Jan Patrick Hammerich (Masterarbeit, 2018)

First observation of the decay D*0( 2007 ) → D0 e+ e− in the light of a future Dark Photon search at the LHCb experiment
Paul André Günther (Masterarbeit, 2018)

Observation of Λb0 → J/Ψ Λ0 Φ at LHCb using 13 TeV Run 2 data and an evaluation of datataking methods with a view to Run 3
Philipp Schultzen (Bachelorarbeit, 2018)

First Observation of the Decay Λb0 → Λc+ D- K(892) at the LHCb Experiment
Dongyu Lin (Bachelorarbeit, 2018)

Measurement of electrons originating from beauty-hadron decays in p-Pb collisions at sqrt(s_NN) = 5.02 TeV with the ALICE detector at the LHC
Lorenz Luger (Bachelorarbeit, 2018)

Study of the influence of modified (non-)strange baryon and meson spectra on hadron densities calculated within the statistical hadronization model
Yannick Kirchhoff (Bachelorarbeit, 2018)


Measurement of efficiency corrected yields of the decay Λb0 → Λc+ Ds- -- a first step towards a pentaquark search in the decay Λb0 → Λc+ D0bar K-
Florian Reiß (Masterarbeit, 2017)

Reconstruction of Two-Prong Signatures with a Linearised Multiple Scattering Vertex Fit for Mu3e
Lukas G. Gerritzen (Masterarbeit, 2017)

Neutral meson and direct photon measurements with conversions in ALICE in proton-proton collisions at sqrt(s) = 0.9, 7 and 8 TeV
Nicolas Schmidt (Masterarbeit, 2017)

Beauty production in Pb–Pb with the ALICE experiment at sqrt(s_NN) = 5.02 TeV
Lukas Layer (Masterarbeit, 2017)

Measurement of the differential branching fraction and angular analysis of the decay Bs0 → φμ+ μ− and determination of the track reconstruction efficiencies at the LHCb experiment
Michael Kolpin (Dissertation, 2017)

Studies on secondary discharges and their mitigation with a two GEM detector
Alexandra Datz (Bachelorarbeit, 2017)

Performance studies of irradiated scintillating fibre modules and quality checks during serial production for the LHCb SciFi Tracker
David Müller (Masterarbeit, 2017)

Quality assurance for gas electron multipliers with the leakage current test
Manuel Jahn (Bachelorarbeit, 2017)

Search for the supersymmetric top quark partner with the HEPTopTagger algorithm in proton-proton collisions at sqrt(s) = 8 TeV with the ATLAS detector
Maddalena Giulini (Dissertation, 2017)

Improving the Accuracy of the Photon Conversion Method in ALICE
Stephan Stiefelmaier (Masterarbeit, 2017)

Characterisation of the Photon Detection System for the LHCb RICH Detector Upgrade
Michele Piero Blago (Masterarbeit, 2017)

Characterization studies of PACIFIC readout ASIC for the LHCb SciFi Tracker
Sotirios Nikas (Masterarbeit, 2017)

Entwicklung und Charakterisierung eines 10B-basierten Neutronendetektorsystems zur Bestimmung von Bodenfeuchte auf der Hektarskala
Jannis Weimar (Masterarbeit, 2017)

Determination of the b-hadron production cross-section and measurement of CP violation in Bs → φφ decays at the LHCb experiment
Max Neuner (Dissertation, 2017)

Identifying charmed hadrons from b hadron decays at LHCb
Christoph Otte (Bachelorarbeit, 2017)

Measurement of the CP asymmetry in the Decay B+ → J/ψ K*+
Christoph Rieß (Bachelorarbeit, 2017)

Studies of the Gain and Drift Velocity for the ALICE Transition Radiation Detector at the CERN LHC
Luisa Bergmann (Bachelorarbeit, 2017)

Mesurement of the branching fraction of the rare decay of D*0 → D0e−e+ at the LHCb experiment
Richard Kaiser (Bachelorarbeit, 2017)

First Observation of the Decay Λ0b → J/ψ Λ0 φ with the LHCb Experiment
Christopher Otto Alfred Vahl (Diplomarbeit, 2017)

Tracklet-based particle identification with the ALICE TRD for LHC Run 3
Hannah Klingenmeyer (Masterarbeit, 2017)

Measurement of neutral mesons and direct photons in Pb-Pb collisions at sqrt(s_NN) = 2.76 TeV with the ALICE experiment at the LHC
Lucia Leardini (Dissertation, 2017)

Commissioning and testing of large-area GEM-based readout chambers for the high-rate ALICE TPC
Thomas Rudzki (Masterarbeit, 2017)


Studies for the ALICE Inner Tracking System Upgrade
Felix Reidt (Dissertation, 2016)

Commissioning of a test stand for quality assurance of fibre modules using cosmic rays for the SciFi detector upgrade
Lukas Witola (Bachelorarbeit, 2016)

Inclusive J/psi production at mid-rapidity in p-Pb collisions at sqrt(s_NN)=5.02 TeV
Michael Winn (Dissertation, 2016)

Monte Carlo Simulation of charmed meson reconstruction in the semi-leptonic decay channel D*+ -> D0(K-e+nu_e)pion+ at ALICE
Georgijs Skorodumovs (Bachelorarbeit, 2016)

Measurement of Direct Photons in Proton-Proton Collisions at sqrt(s) = 7 TeV with ALICE
Lucas Altenkämper (Masterarbeit, 2016)

Electron identification in different colliding systems with ALICE
Michael Ciupek (Bachelorarbeit, 2016)

Determination of the Prompt Fraction of D0 Mesons in proton-proton Collisions with ALICE at sqrt(s) = 7 TeV
Barbara Scherpe (Bachelorarbeit, 2016)

Branching Fraction Measurement of the Decay B+ -> J/ψ ρ+ with the LHCb Experiment
Jascha Grabowski (Masterarbeit, 2016)

Analysis of D0 and D*+-meson production in pp and p-Pb collisions with ALICE at the LHC
Jeremy Wilkinson (Dissertation, 2016)

Simulation and commissioning of the rejection of late conversions in the TRD triggers of ALICE
Ole Schmidt (Masterarbeit, 2016)

Full kinematic reconstruction of charged B mesons with the upgraded Inner Tracking System of the ALICE Experiment
Johannes Stiller (Dissertation, 2016)

System zur schnellen Messung von Stromspitzen in der Hochspannung am Übergangsstrahlungsdetektor von ALICE
Robert Verclas (Bachelorarbeit, 2016)

Search for New Physics in the Fully Hadronic tt¯ Channel at √s = 13 TeV with the ATLAS Detector at the LHC
David E. Sosa Corral (Dissertation, 2016)

Study of heavy-flavor hadron production in pp collisions with ALICE
Sebastian Hornung (Masterarbeit, 2016)

Production of strange hadrons in charged jets in Pb–Pb collisions measured with ALICE at the LHC
Alice Zimmermann (Dissertation, 2016)

Measurements of Scintillator Fibre Tracker Mat Quality for the LHCb Tracker Upgrade
Laura Victoria Klein (Bachelorarbeit, 2016)

Electrons from beauty-hadron decays in central Pb–Pb collisions at √SNN= 2.76 TeV
Martin Völkl (Dissertation, 2016)

Measurement of the branching ratio of the decay B+ -> J/Ψ K∗+ at the LHCb experiment
Daniel Baitinger (Bachelorarbeit, 2016)


Eta meson production with conversions in ALICE in pp collisions at √s = 2.76 TeV and √s = 8 TeV
Alexander Koch (Bachelorarbeit, 2015)

Measurement of indirect CP asymmetries in D0->K−K+ and D0->pi−pi+ decays with the LHCb experiment
Andreas Jäger (Dissertation, 2015)

Measurement of the branching fraction of the rare decay B^+ -->K^{*+}mumu exploiting the K^{*+}->K^+pi^0 decay at the LHCb experiment
Paul André Günther (Bachelorarbeit, 2015)

Angular analysis of B->K*μμ decays using 3 fb-1 of integrated luminosity at LHCb
Thomas Nikodem (Dissertation, 2015)

Gaseous Helium Cooling of a Thin Silicon Pixel Detector for the Mu3e Experiment
Adrian Herkert (Masterarbeit, 2015)

Optimisation of the Local On-line Tracking for Triggering with the Transition Radiation Detector in A Large Ion Collider Experiment at the Large Hadron Collider
Hannah Klingenmeyer (Bachelorarbeit, 2015)

Measurements of particle production and particle correlations in proton-proton and proton-ion collisions with LHCb
Marco Meißner (Dissertation, 2015)

The search for τ → μμμ at LHCb
Paul Seyfert (Dissertation, 2015)

Studies of HV-MAPS Analog Performance
Jan Patrick Hammerich (Bachelorarbeit, 2015)

Effizienzanalyse von HV-MAPS anhand des MuPix-Teleskops
Jonathan Philipp (Bachelorarbeit, 2015)

Measurement of CP violation in B0-B0bar mixing using semileptonic decays at LHCb
Lucia Grillo (Dissertation, 2015)

Studies on charge-up effects and gain stability for the ALICE TPC upgrade with GEMs
Yannik Vetter (Bachelorarbeit, 2015)

Measurement of jet fragmentation into charged particles in p-Pb collisions at sqrt(s_NN) = 5.02 TeV with ALICE
Dennis Weiser (Masterarbeit, 2015)

A Novel Flavour Tagging Algorithm using Machine Learning Techniques and a Precision Measurement of the B0-B0bar Oscillation Frequency at the LHCb Experiment
Katharina Kreplin (Dissertation, 2015)

Determination of the branching fraction and a new method for reconstructing B+- -> K*(892)+- mu+ mu- decays at LHCb
Lina Norton (Masterarbeit, 2015)

Determination of the branching ratio of the decay B+ -> mu mu K*+ (-> Ks pi+)
Philipp Kühnl (Bachelorarbeit, 2015)

Development and Commissioning of the Trigger System Upgrade for the ALICE Transition Radiation Detector at the LHC at CERN
Sebastian Klewin (Masterarbeit, 2015)

Development of a fast simulation tool for vertexing studies in ALICE
Lukas Layer (Bachelorarbeit, 2015)

Track Parameter Resolution Study of a Pixel Only Detector for LHC Geometry and Future High Rate Experiments
Michele Piero Blago (Bachelorarbeit, 2015)

Lifetime measurements of beauty hadrons at the LHCb experiment
Francesca Dordei (Dissertation, 2015)

Study of the influence of modified light flavour hadron spectra on thermal model hadron densities
Deniz Gündüz (Bachelorarbeit, 2015)

Optical Measurements of Vibration and Deformation of the Mu3e Silicon Pixel Tracker
Lars Henkelmann (Bachelorarbeit, 2015)

Jet cross sections and properties in proton-proton collisions at sqrt(s) = 7 TeV analysed within the C++ framework Rivet
Auguste Schulz (Bachelorarbeit, 2015)

Measurement of the branching ratio for the decay Lambda_b --> D^0 p mu nu X with the LHCb experiment
Patrick Fahner (Masterarbeit, 2015)

Analyse von Michelson-Interferometriedaten von Vibrationsmessungen eines dünnen gasgekühlten Pixeldetektors
René Philipp Austermühl (Bachelorarbeit, 2015)

Measurement of the time-integrated CP asymmetry in prompt D0->K−K+ decays with the LHCb experiment
Simon Stemmle (Masterarbeit, 2015)

Finite Element Analysis of the Cooling System for the Mu3e Experiment
Yanwing Ng (Masterarbeit, 2015)


Bestimmung des Verzweigungsverhältnisses für den Zerfall B+ ->J/psi K+ pi+ pi-
Daniel Richter (Bachelorarbeit, 2014)

Messung des Verzweigungsverhaltnisses des Zerfalls B+ -> J/psi K+pi+pi- unter Verwendung des Referenzkanals B+ -> psi(2S)K+ am LHCb-Experiment
Johannes Gry (Bachelorarbeit, 2014)

Development of a Tracking Telescope for Low Momentum Particles and High Rates consisting of HV-MAPS
Lennart Huth (Masterarbeit, 2014)

Bestimmung des Verzweigungsverhältnisses des Zerfalls Bs -> mu mu f_0 am LHCb-Experiment
Ralf Klemt (Bachelorarbeit, 2014)

Das Spektrometer PERC zur Untersuchung des Neutron-Beta-Zerfalls
Carmen Ziener (Dissertation, 2014)

D-meson production at ultra-low transverse momentum in proton-proton collisions with ALICE at the LHC
Christian Möhler (Masterarbeit, 2014)

Study of semileptonic D0 decays for a measurement of charm mixing at LHCb
Dominik Mitzel (Masterarbeit, 2014)

Characterization of a novel HV-MAPS Sensor with two Amplification Stages and first examination of thinned MuPix Sensors
Heiko Augustin (Masterarbeit, 2014)

Spectrum and Elliptic Flow of Direct Photons for a Space-Time Evolution from the Hydrokinetic Model
Martin Kroesen (Bachelorarbeit, 2014)

Amplitude analysis of B+ -> J/psi K+ pi+ pi- decays at the LHCb experiment
Philippe dArgent (Masterarbeit, 2014)

Measurement of the polarisation amplitudes in B0 -> J/psi K*(892)0 decays with the LHCb experiment
Alexander Bien (Dissertation, 2014)

Fast optical readout for the Mu3e experiment
Carsten Grzesik (Bachelorarbeit, 2014)

Feasibility study to use an SRAM-based FPGA in the readout electronics of the upgraded LHCb Outer Tracker detector
Christian Faerber (Dissertation, 2014)

Cooling of the Mu3e Pixel Detector
Lukas Huxold (Bachelorarbeit, 2014)

Measurement of the Bs-Bsbar Oscillation Frequency at LHCb using 1fb-1 of data taken in 2011
Sebastian Wandernoth (Dissertation, 2014)

Charmed Meson Reconstruction in the D*+ -> D0 (K- pi+) pi+ Decay Channel in p-p Collisions at sqrt(s) = 7 TeV with the ALICE Experiment
Yifei Wang (Dissertation, 2014)

Hints for collective effects in identified particle spectra from p-Pb collisions at 5.02 TeV
Michael Schork (Bachelorarbeit, 2014)

Measurement of CP asymmetry in muon-tagged D^0->K^-K^+ and D^0->pi^-pi^+ decays at LHCb
Sascha Stahl (Dissertation, 2014)

Characterisation of High Voltage Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors for the Mu3e Experiment
Raphael Philipp (Masterarbeit, 2014)

Fast Optical Readout of the Mu3e Pixel Detector
Simon Corrodi (Masterarbeit, 2014)

HV-MAPS Readout and Direct Memory Access for the Mu3e Experiment
Fabian Alexander Förster (Masterarbeit, 2014)

Top quark reconstruction using the "Buckets of tops" method in the ATLAS experiment
Mathis Kolb (Masterarbeit, 2014)

Development of a non-depolarizing neutron guide for PERC
Nataliya Rebrova (Dissertation, 2014)

Jet Physics with A Large Ion Collider Experiment at the Large Hadron Collider
Jochen Klein (Dissertation, 2014)

Study of the Applicability of Markov Chain Monte Carlo Methods to the Statistical Separation of Electron Sources via the Impact Parameter for ALICE
Manuel Wittner (Bachelorarbeit, 2014)

Estimating Hadron Contamination in Pb-Pb Collisions at sqrt(s_NN) = 2.76 TeV for Low Transversal Momenta with TPC, TOF and TRD of the ALICE Experiment
Martin Braß (Bachelorarbeit, 2014)

Measurement of the differential branching fraction of the decay B_s -> phi mu^+ mu^- at the LHCb experiment
Nikolai Fomin (Masterarbeit, 2014)

Feasibility Study for the Measurement of pp → Z(e+e?) + bb ? Production in Proton-Proton Collisions at √s = 8 TeV Using a Soft Electron Tagger with the ATLAS Experiment at LHC
Rohin Thampilali Narayan (Dissertation, 2014)

Measurement of direct CP-violation in prompt D0 -> K- K+ and D0 -> Pi- Pi+ decays at LHCb
Andreas Weiden (Masterarbeit, 2014)

New criteria for distinguishing hadrons containing beauty from hadrons with charm in proton-proton collisions with sqrt(s)=7 TeV at ALICE
Sebastian Hornung (Bachelorarbeit, 2014)

Studies of the non-ionizing radiation hardness and temperature dependence of Silicon Photomultipliers for the LHCb Tracker Upgrade
David Gerick (Masterarbeit, 2014)

Data Transmission at High Rates via Kapton Flexprints for the Mu3e Experiment
Jens Kröger (Bachelorarbeit, 2014)

ALICE Capabilities for Reconstructing neutral Pions by Pairing Photons from the Conversion Method and Calorimeters
Lucas Altenkämper (Bachelorarbeit, 2014)

Commissioning a gas chromatograph for automatic measurements of gas compositions in the ALICE TPC and TRD and measurement of electrons from semi-leptonic heavy-flavour hadron decays in p-Pb collisions at sqrt{s_{NN}} = 5.02 TeV with the ALICE TRD
Martin Fleck (Masterarbeit, 2014)

Time-integrated measurement of CP violation using Bs -> Phi Phi decays with the LHCb experiment
Matthieu Kecke (Masterarbeit, 2014)

Neutral Pion Measurements with Conversions in ALICE in pp Collisions at sqrt(s) = 8 TeV
Nicolas Schmidt (Bachelorarbeit, 2014)


Performance Analysis of a Transceiver Chipset and Interference Control for a Wireless Detector Readout at 60GHz
Jens Petersen (Bachelorarbeit, 2013)

Angular Correlations in Proton-Lead Collisions at the LHCb-Experiment
Lukas Renner (Bachelorarbeit, 2013)

Investigation on J/psi production in Monte Carlo Simulations with the C++ framework RIVET
Marc Barra (Bachelorarbeit, 2013)

Simulation of a photon converter for the ALICE experiment
Maria Christine Heinz (Bachelorarbeit, 2013)

Messung von sin(2 beta) im Zerfall B_d^0 --> J/psi K_s^0 am LHCb-Experiment
Patrick Fahner (Bachelorarbeit, 2013)

Exploring the performance limits of the ALICE Time Projection Chamber and Transition Radiation Detector for measuring identified hadron production at the LHC
Xianguo Lu (Dissertation, 2013)

Suche nach Lepton- und Baryonzahlverletzung in den Zerfällen tau- -> anti-p mu+ mu- und tau- -> p mu- mu-
David Müller (Bachelorarbeit, 2013)

Simulation von Datenübertragung und Beugung mit einem Raytracer
Thomas Hugle (Bachelorarbeit, 2013)

Precise Determination of the ccbar Cross Section in pp Collisions at 7 TeV
Halil Cakir (Bachelorarbeit, 2013)

Simple Phenomenological Models for Anisotropic Direct Photon Production in Heavy-Ion Collisions
Tobias Denz (Bachelorarbeit, 2013)

Study of the Track Reconstruction Efficiency Exploiting Partially Reconstructed Decays at the LHCb Experiment
Sarah Lindner (Diplomarbeit, 2013)

Messung der B_d-Lebensdauer im Zerfallskanal B_d nach J/Psi K_s am LHCb-Experiment
Sebastian Klewin (Bachelorarbeit, 2013)

Measurement of the CP-violating phase phi_s using Bs->J/Psi Phi and Bs->J/Psi pi+ pi- decays with the LHCb experiment
Christian Linn (Dissertation, 2013)

Search for Resonances Decaying into Top Quark Pairs Using Fully Hadronic Decays in pp Collisions with ATLAS at √s = 7
Gregor Kasieczka (Dissertation, 2013)

Anisotropic flow of the charmed D*+ meson in non-central Pb-Pb collisions at sqrt(s_NN) = 2.76 TeV
Robert Grajcarek (Dissertation, 2013)

Development and calibration of a same side kaon tagging algorithm and measurement of the B_s^0 – B_s^0 bar oscillation frequency Δm_s at the LHCb experiment
Georg Alexander Krocker (Dissertation, 2013)

Development of a Test Setup for a 60 GHz Wireless Transceiver for the ATLAS Tracker Readout
Sebastian Dittmeier (Masterarbeit, 2013)

Measurement of the B0 mixing frequency Delta m_d in the decay channel B0 -> D- (->K+pi-pi-) mu+ X
Michael Kolpin (Masterarbeit, 2013)

Anisotropic Flow of Direct Photons in Pb-Pb collisions at 2.76 TeV per Nucleon
Daniel Lohner (Dissertation, 2013)

Detektoreichung mithilfe eines Elektronenspektrometers
Jascha Grabowski (Bachelorarbeit, 2013)

A Vertex Fit for Low Momentum Particles in a Solenoidal Magnetic Field with Multiple Scattering
Sebastian Schenk (Bachelorarbeit, 2013)


Zeitintegriertes Verhältnis der D0 -> K+ Pi- und D0 -> K - Pi+ Zerfälle bei LHCb
Andreas Weiden (Bachelorarbeit, 2012)

Polarization Effects on Detector Acceptance in D*+(2010) -> D^0 (K- Pi+) + Pi+
Felix Benjamin Schäfer (Bachelorarbeit, 2012)

MC Simulation of Direct Photon HBT Correlations in Central Pb+Pb Collisions at sqrt(s) =2.76 TeV
Manuel Meske (Bachelorarbeit, 2012)

Cooling with Gaseous Helium for the Mu3e Experiment
Marco Zimmermann (Bachelorarbeit, 2012)

Messung der mittleren Lebensdauer des B+ Mesons im Zerfall B+ -> J/Psi K+ am LHCb Experiment
Matthieu Kecke (Bachelorarbeit, 2012)

Bestimmung der Lebensdauer von Bd-Mesonen mittels Bd->J/Psi K* Zerfaellen
Philippe dArgent (Bachelorarbeit, 2012)

Messung der Parameter der D^0 - D^0_bar Oszillation in D^0 -> K pi Zerfaellen mit dem LHCb Experiment
Rainer Borchardt (Bachelorarbeit, 2012)

Extrapolation Of D Meson Cross Sections
Stephan Stiefelmaier (Bachelorarbeit, 2012)

Neutral Pion and Eta Meson Production in pp and Pb-Pb Collisions at the LHC with the ALICE Detector
Friederike Bock (Masterarbeit, 2012)

Study of the ratio of D0 to K+pi- to D0 to K- pi+ decays with the LHCb detector
Martin Bessner (Diplomarbeit, 2012)

Track Fitting with Broken Lines for the MU3E Experiment
Moritz Kiehn (Diplomarbeit, 2012)

Measurement of pi0 and eta mesons with photon conversions in ALICE in proton-proton collisions at sqrt(s) = 0.9, 2.76 and 7 TeV
Kathrin Koch (Dissertation, 2012)

Study of the Underlying Event in pp collisions with the ALICE detector at the LHC
Sara Vallero (Dissertation, 2012)

Measurement of the Relative Branching Fraction B(Bs0 to J/Psi f2(1525)) / B(Bs0 to J/Psi Phi) of the Decay Mode Bs0 to J/Psi f2(1525) with Respect to Bs0 to J/Psi Phi
Arthur Bolz (Bachelorarbeit, 2012)

Particle Production in Ultra-Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collisions and the Constituent Participant Model
Felix Frey (Bachelorarbeit, 2012)

Study of the Transverse Momentum Spectra of Semielectronic Heavy Flavor Decays in pp Collisions at sqrt{s}=7TeV and Pb-Pb Collisions at sqrt{s_{NN}}=2.76TeV with ALICE
Martin Völkl (Masterarbeit, 2012)

Systems-on-Chip (SoC) for applications in High-Energy Physics
Massimiliano De Gaspari (Dissertation, 2012)

Commissioning of a Prototype Transition Radiation Detector Chamber (ALICE)
Holger Jörg (Staatsexamensarbeit, 2012)

Measurement of the CP-violating phase phi_s in B_s^0 o J/Psi pi^+ pi^- decays at the LHCb experiment
Max Neuner (Diplomarbeit, 2012)

Characterisation of High Voltage Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors for the Mu3e Experiment
Ann-Kathrin Perrevoort (Masterarbeit, 2012)

Untersuchungen zur Elektronendetektion in Neutronenzerfallsexperimenten
Christoph Roick (Masterarbeit, 2012)

HEPTopTagger Parameter Optimization
David E. Sosa (Masterarbeit, 2012)

Analysis of Double-Gap Events in Proton-Proton Collisions at sqrt(s)=7TeV with the ALICE Experiment at the LHC
Felix Reidt (Masterarbeit, 2012)

Prüfmethoden für den nicht-depolarisierenden Neutronenleiter von PERC
Henry Lauro López Carrera (Diplomarbeit, 2012)

J/Ï?- Hadron Correlations in Proton-Proton Collisions at sqrt(s)= 7 TeV with ALICE at the LHC
Michael Winn (Masterarbeit, 2012)

Charakterisierung von HV-MAPS
Heiko Augustin (Bachelorarbeit, 2012)

Triggering on light nuclei with the ALICE Transition Radiation Detector
Jan Felix Mücke (Bachelorarbeit, 2012)


Performance of the local on-line Tracking and of a track-based Jet Trigger Algorithm for the ALICE TRD on the Basis of Monte-Carlo Simulations
Niklas Wahl (Bachelorarbeit, 2011)

Implementation of a Phase Space Generator in C++
Christoph Dressler (Bachelorarbeit, 2011)

Azimuthally Sensitive Hanbury Brown–Twiss Interferometry measured with the ALICE Experiment
Johanna Gramling (Diplomarbeit, 2011)

Gain Calibration of the ALICE TRD using the Decay of 83mKr and Alignment of the ALICE TRD
Johannes Stiller (Diplomarbeit, 2011)

Selection of doubly Cabibbo suppressed D*+ -> D0 (K+ Pi-) Pi+ decays and measurement of the D0 lifetime in D0 -> K- Pi+ at the LHCb experiment
Katharina Kreplin (Diplomarbeit, 2011)

Measurement of  decays into a charged hadron accompanied by neutral -mesons and determination of the CKM matrix element |Vus|
Aleksandra Adametz (Dissertation, 2011)

Data Reduction at Front End Level in a Level-1 Track Trigger for the ATLAS High-Luminosity Upgrade
Arno John (Diplomarbeit, 2011)

Measurement of the Beta-Asymmetry in the Decay of Free Polarized Neutrons with the Spectrometer Perkeo III
Holger Mest (Dissertation, 2011)

Track reconstruction and prompt K^0_S production at the LHCb experiment
Manuel Schiller (Dissertation, 2011)

Development of a Knowledge-based Processor Controller for High Speed Track Trigger Applications
Robert Weidel (Diplomarbeit, 2011)

Analysis and Extrapolation of D Meson Cross Sections at the LHC
Jeremy Wilkinson (Bachelorarbeit, 2011)

Measurement of Multiplicity Distributions in Limited Pseudo-Rapidity Windows in pp and Pb–Pb collisions with the ALICE Detector
Maren Hellwig (Diplomarbeit, 2011)

Measurement of the Bs mixing phase in the decay Bs -> J/Psi Phi with the LHCb experiment
Christoph Langenbruch (Dissertation, 2011)

Study of the Electron Charge Flip Process at the ATLAS Detector
Patricia Sauer (Diplomarbeit, 2011)

Study of the Performance of a Same-Side-Kaon Tagging Algorithm for the LHCb Experiment using Ds->phipi and Bs->Dspi decays
Thomas Nikodem (Diplomarbeit, 2011)

Online Electron Identification for Triggering with the ALICE Transition Radiation Detector
Benjamin Heß (Diplomarbeit, 2011)

Entwicklung eines spannungsgesteuerten Oszillators (VCO) als Funktionsblock eines 60-GHz-Ein-Chip-Transceivers zur Datenauslese in Teilchendetektoren
Sascha Lischer (Diplomarbeit, 2011)

Measurement of neutral-pion production suppression in Pb-Pb collisions at 2.76 ATeV with ALICE at the CERN LHC
Radoslav Rusanov (Diplomarbeit, 2011)


Messung der Verstärkung an GEM-Folien in Abhängigkeit des GEM-Lochabstandes für borbeschichtete Driftelektroden
Ann-Kathrin Perrevoort (Bachelorarbeit, 2010)

Messung der GEM-Verstärkung in Abhängigkeit des Lochabstandes für borbeschichtete GEM-Folien
Tanja Neumer (Bachelorarbeit, 2010)

Construction and Performance of the ALICE Transition Radiation Detector
David Emschermann (Dissertation, Januar 2010)

Study of D0 - D0bar mixing with the LHCb detector
Peter Weidenkaff (Diplomarbeit, Februar 2010)

Software Alignment of the LHCb Outer Tracker Chambers
Marc Deissenroth (Dissertation, April 2010)

Simulation study for the determination of the CP violating Bs mixing phase Phi_s with LHCb
Alexander Bien (Diplomarbeit, 2010)

Herstellung und Charakterisierung dünner Metallschichten als Filter und Spiegel für Neutronenleiter mittels einer Sputteranlage
Thorwald Klapdor-Kleingrothaus (Bachelorarbeit, 2010)

Der Einfluss der Eigenvolumenkorrektur auf das thermische Modell zur Untersuchung von Schwerionenkollisionen
Michael Winn (Bachelorarbeit, 2010)

Simulation von Elektronenbahnen in Perkeo III
Christoph Roick (Bachelorarbeit, 2010)

Simulation eines L1-Spur-Triggers für ATLAS
Daniel Dieter Glodeck (Bachelorarbeit, 2010)

Bestimmung der Lambda/Lambdabar Produktionsasymmetrie und systematische Untersuchungen am LHCb-Experiment
Lars Wallbaum (Bachelorarbeit, 2010)

Messung der Ladungsasymmetrie bei Proton-Proton Kollisionen mit einer Schwerpunktsenergie von 7 TeV am LHCb Detektor
Lukas Zielke (Bachelorarbeit, 2010)

Intelligent Filtering Algortihms for an upgraded Inner Tracker at ATLAS
Sven Pirner (Bachelorarbeit, 2010)

Development and Implementation of a Diffractive-Gap Trigger for the ALICE TRD Pre-Trigger System
Felix Reidt (Bachelorarbeit, 2010)

ALICE Capabilities for Studying Photon Physics with the Conversion Method at LHC Energies
Friederike Bock (Bachelorarbeit, 2010)

Untersuchung richtungsabhängiger Systematiken beim Nachweis geladener Teilchen mit dem LHCb-Detektor
Michael Körber (Bachelorarbeit, 2010)

Reconstruction of displaced tracks and measurement of Ks production rate in proton-proton collisions at sqrt(s) = 900GeV at the LHCb experiment
Sascha Stahl (Diplomarbeit, 2010)

Machbarkeitsstudie zur Bestimmung experimenteller Asymmetrien am LHCb-Experiment
Jens Klement (Diplomarbeit, 2010)

Gain Calibration of the ALICE Transition Radiation Detector with Krypton-83
Mustapha Al Helwi (Diplomarbeit, 2010)

Measurement of Track Reconstruction Efficiencies at the LHCb Experiment
Paul Seyfert (Diplomarbeit, 2010)


Kalibrierung der Impulsmessung des LHCb Experimentes und Studien zur Messung der K0 Produktion am LHC
Marco Rothley (Diplomarbeit, 2009)

Dynamik ultrakalter Neutronen im Gravitationsfeld der Erde
David Stadler (Diplomarbeit, Januar 2009)

Feasibility study on determining the average radiation thickness of the ALICE Transition Radiation Detector from CERN testbeam data
Robert Grajcarek (Diplomarbeit, Januar 2009)

MIEZE mit dem CASCADE-Detektor
Felix Groitl (Diplomarbeit, Mai 2009)

Analyse der Polarisationsamplituden des Zerfalls B0-> J/Psi K*0 am LHCb-Experiment
Christian Linn (Diplomarbeit, Juni 2009)

Measurement of the Bs-Bsbar Mixing Frequency and Calibration of the Same Side Tagger at LHCb
Sebastian Wandernoth (Diplomarbeit, Juni 2009)

Tests und Inbetriebnahme der LHCb Outer Tracker Front-end Elektronik und eine Studie zur Abschätzung des Untergrundes im Zerfall Bs -> J/Psi Phi
Jan Knopf (Dissertation, Juli 2009)

Fast Track Reconstruction for the High Level Trigger of the LHCb Experiment
Johannes Albrecht (Dissertation, Juli 2009)

Development and Characterization of a Pulsed Beam for Neutron Decay Experiments
Dominik Werder (Diplomarbeit, August 2009)

Development and Implementation of the Control System for the Pre-Trigger System of the Transition Radiation Detector at ALICE
Stefan Schmiederer (Diplomarbeit, Oktober 2009)

Track reconstruction in the High Level Software Trigger of the LHCb experiment
Georg Alexander Krocker (Diplomarbeit, November 2009)

Studie zum Nachweis des leptonzahlverletzenden Zerfalls Tau -> MuMuMu mit dem LHCb Experiment
Marco Meißner (Diplomarbeit, Dezember 2009)

Production of Neutral Pions in Pb+Au collisions at 158 AGeV/c
Rachik Soualah (Dissertation, 2009)


Production of the power distribution boxes for the full ALICE Transition Radiation Detector and the development and integration of their control system
Michael Neher (Diplomarbeit, Februar 2008)

Nonlinear dynamics in the harmonically driven barrier
Florian Koch (Diplomarbeit, Mai 2008)

Untergrundstudie des Zerfalls Bs-> J/Psi (mu+mu-) Phi (K+K-) am LHCb Experiment
Nina Krieger (Diplomarbeit, Mai 2008)

Measurement of Cabibbo-suppressed tau lepton decays and the determination of |Vus|
Stefan Schenk (Dissertation, Juli 2008)

Implementation of the ALICE TRD TRAP-chip into AliRoot
Clemens Haltebourg (Diplomarbeit, August 2008)

Development of the control system of the ALICE Transition Radiation Detector and of a test environment for quality-assurance of its front-end electronics
Jorge Mercado (Dissertation, September 2008)

Design, Implementation and Commissioning of the Pretrigger System for the Transition Radiation Detector at the ALICE experiment of CERN
Stefan Zimmer (Diplomarbeit, Oktober 2008)

Study of J/psi production in p+p collisions at sqrt(s)=10 TeV with the Transition Radiation Detector of ALICE
Dirk Krumbhorn (Diplomarbeit, November 2008)

Commisioning of and Preparations for Physics with the Transition Radiation Detector in A Large Ion Collider Experiment at CERN
Jochen Klein (Diplomarbeit, November 2008)

Alterungsstudien am Outer Tracker des LHCb Experiments
Christian Faerber (Diplomarbeit, Dezember 2008)

Zeitkalibrierung des aeusseren Spurkammersystems des LHCb-Detektors und Messung der Effizienz der Spurrekonstruktion
Jan Stefaniak (Diplomarbeit, Dezember 2008)

A Monte Carlo Model for Jet Evolution With Energy Loss
Korinna Zapp (Dissertation, Dezember 2008)

Measurements on liquid helium and aluminium alloys using Neutron Radiography
Mark Faist (Diplomarbeit, 2008)

Measurement of Cabibbo-suppressed  lepton decays and the determination of |Vus|
Stefan Schenk (Dissertation, 2008)

Einfluss der Detektorfunktion auf die Messung des schwachen Magnetismus im Neutronzerfall
Felix Friedl (Diplomarbeit, 2008)

Weiterentwicklung eines Experiments zur Realisierung eines Quantum Bouncing Balls und Suche nach Extradimensionen der Raumzeit
Tobias Jenke (Diplomarbeit, 2008)


Weiterentwicklung und Optimierung der hochintegrierten Ausleseelektronik des CASCADE-Detektors und erstmalige Inbetriebnahme des neuentwickelten nXYTER Auslesechips
Gerd Modzel (Diplomarbeit, 2007)

Entwicklung einer FPGA-basierten Speicherschnittstelle für den CASCADE-Detektor
Jörg Betz (Diplomarbeit, 2007)

Weiterentwicklung und Charakterisierung des CASCADE-Detektors und Tests am VCN-Strahl des ILL
Stefan Backfisch (Diplomarbeit, 2007)

Preparing a weak magnetism measurement in free neutron decay with the new spectrometer PERKEO III
Alexander Kaplan (Diplomarbeit, Januar 2007)

Radiographische und tomographische Materialuntersuchungen bei hohen Neutronenflüssen
Marcus Trapp (Diplomarbeit, Januar 2007)

Erste Untersuchungen zum CASCADE-Röntgendetektor und Messung zur Neutron-Spiegelneutron-Oszillation
Barbara Böhm (Dissertation, Februar 2007)

Measurement of the Branching Fraction B+ -> eta l+ nu with the BaBar Detector
Paul Andreas Walker (Diplomarbeit, Februar 2007)

Measurement of Neutrino and Proton Asymmetry in the Decay of polarized Neutrons
Marc Schumann (Dissertation, Mai 2007)

Measurement of the branching fraction B+ -> eta l+ nu with the babar experiment
Christoph Anders (Diplomarbeit, Juni 2007)

Bestimmung des Verzweigungsverhaeltnisses des Zerfalls B+ -> omega l+ nu mit dem Babar-Experiment
Christoph Langenbruch (Diplomarbeit, Juni 2007)

Standalone track reconstruction for the Outer Tracker of the LHCb experiment using a cellular automaton
Manuel Schiller (Diplomarbeit, Juli 2007)

Messung der Verzweigungsverhältnisse von Tau-Zerfällen in Endzustände mit drei geladenen Hadronen mit dem BaBar-Experiment
Jochen Hartert (Diplomarbeit, September 2007)

Search for Drell Yan in sqrt(s)=41.6 GeV p-N Collisions at HERA-b
Jens Kessler (Dissertation, Oktober 2007)

Alterungsstudien und Studium der Betriebseigenschaften des Outer Trackers des LHCb Detektors
Tanja Haas (Dissertation, November 2007)

Methoden und Anwendungen für bildgebende Verfahren mit hohen Neutronenflüssen
Hendrik Ballhausen (Dissertation, 2007)

Aufbau eines Kollimationssystems und Entwicklung eines Scanners für das Spektrometer PERKEO III
Daniel Wilkin (Diplomarbeit, 2007)

Commissioning of the LHCb Outer Tracker Front-end electronics
Rainer Schwemmer (Diplomarbeit, 2007)

Messung des Verzeigungsverhaeltnisses tau- -> K- pi+ pi- nu mit dem BaBar Experiment
Roland Hohler (Diplomarbeit, 2007)


Quantum States of Neutrons in the Gravitational Field
Claude Krantz (Diplomarbeit, Januar 2006)

High Flux Neutron Imaging for highly dynamic and time resolved non-destructive testing
Andreas van Overberghe (Dissertation, Februar 2006)

Untersuchung der Partondynamik bei kleinen Bjorken-x mit Drei-Jet-Ereignissen in tief-unelastischer e+p Streuung bei HERA
Christoph Werner (Dissertation, Februar 2006)

Messung der Betaasymmetrie A im Neutronenzerfall
Daniela Mund (Dissertation, Mai 2006)

Das Spektrometer PERKEO III und der Zerfall des freien Neutrons
Bastian Märkisch (Dissertation, Oktober 2006)

Messung des Verzweigungsverhaeltnisses B( tau -> K0 pi- nu ) mit dem BABAR-Experiment
Daniil Nekrassov (Diplomarbeit, Dezember 2006)


Preshower Measurement with the Cherenkov Detector of the BABAR Experiment
Aleksandra Adametz (Diplomarbeit, Januar 2005)

Optimization and Realization of a Neutrino Asymmetry Measurement in the Decay of Polarized Neutrons
Marc Deissenroth (Diplomarbeit, Mai 2005)

The Soft Scattering Contribution to Jet Quenching in a Quark-Gluon Plasma and General Properties of Partonic Energy Loss
Korinna Zapp (Diplomarbeit, Juni 2005)

Calibration of the Electromagnetic Calorimeter of the BABAR Experiment Using e+e− -> μ+μ− Data
Johannes Albrecht (Diplomarbeit, Oktober 2005)

Entwicklung eines Serientests fuer den TDC-Auslesechip der LHCb Spurkammern
Ralf Muckerheide (Diplomarbeit, November 2005)

Development and Characterisation of a Radiation Hard Readout Chip for the LHCb Outer Tracker Detector
Uwe Stange (Dissertation, November 2005)

Messung des Verzweigungsverhaeltnisses B(tau- -> K- pi0 nu ) mit dem BABAR-Experiment
Kerstin Richter (Diplomarbeit, Dezember 2005)

Der 2D-CASCADE Neutronendetektor und seine Auslese
Werner Hinderer (Dissertation, Dezember 2005)


Probing the Standard Model: Preparation of a new Electron Asymmetry Measurement in the Decay of Polarized Neutrons
Marc Schumann (Diplomarbeit, Januar 2004)

Messung von Winkelkorrelationen im Zerfall polarisierter Neutronen mit dem Spektrometer PERKEO II
Michael Kreuz (Dissertation, Mai 2004)

Development of the Readout Chamber of the ALICE Transition Radiator Detector and Evaluation of its Physics Performance in the Quarkonium Sector
Tariq Mahmoud (Dissertation, Mai 2004)

Entwicklung, Bau und Alterungsstudien von Straw Tube Driftkammern fuer das Aeußere Spurkammersystem von LHCb
Michael Walter (Dissertation, Juni 2004)

Optimierung und Durchführung einer Beta-Asymmetriemessung im Zerfall polarisierter Neutronen
Jochen Krempel (Diplomarbeit, August 2004)

Aufbau eines Auslesesystems für die äusseren Spurkammern des LHCb-Detektors
Jan Knopf (Diplomarbeit, Oktober 2004)

Aufbau der Ausleseelektronik für das äußere Spurkammersystem des LHCb-Detektors
Dirk Wiedner (Dissertation, Dezember 2004)

Development of a Detector for Bound Quantum States of Neutrons in the Earths Gravitational Field
Sophie Nahrwold (Diplomarbeit, Dezember 2004)


Fast dynamic radiography at a high-flux thermal neutron beam
Arnd Gildemeister (Diplomarbeit, 2003)

Test und Weiterentwicklung eines longitudinalen Neutronenresonanzspinechos
Barbara Böhm (Diplomarbeit, 2003)

Search for Anomalous Production of Single Top Quarks with the H1 Experiment at HERA
Jochen Dingfelder (Dissertation, Januar 2003)

Verbesserung eines Neutronenexperiments zur Bestimmung des Matrixelements V_ud
Markus Brehm (Diplomarbeit, Januar 2003)

Studien zur Bestimmung der Zentralität von Proton-Kern-Stößen am HERA-B Detektor
Roger Wolf (Diplomarbeit, Februar 2003)

Qualitätssicherung beim Bau des inneren Spurkammersystems von HERA-B und Studien zu einem Open-Charm-Trigger
Sonja Gradl (Dissertation, Mai 2003)

Suche nach Tau-Leptonen mit hohem Transversalimpuls aus Zerfällen einzeln erzeugter top-Quarks bei HERA
Gerhard Brandt (Diplomarbeit, Juli 2003)

Bau und Inbetriebnahme eines Teststandes zur Untersuchung von Straw-Kammern mittels kosmischer Myonen
Tanja Haas (Diplomarbeit, Juli 2003)

Search for Squark Production in R-Parity Violating Supersymmetry at HERA
Johannes Haller (Dissertation, Oktober 2003)

Energy Flow in Hard Diffractive Deep-Inelastic Scattering and Photoproduction with a Leading Proton
Stefan Schenk (Diplomarbeit, November 2003)

Aufbau einer dynamischen Radiografie- und Tomografiestation mit thermischen Neutronen
Thomas Ferger (Diplomarbeit, 2003)


Entwicklung und Aufbau einer Quelle für langsame und kalte Atom- und Molekülstrahlen
Karl Zrost (Diplomarbeit, 2002)

Entwicklung und Untersuchung von Straw Tubes fuer den LHCb Detektor
Raimund Ruschmann (Diplomarbeit, Januar 2002)

Investigations on the Operational Behavior of the GEM MSGC Inner Tracking System and Study on the Reconstruction of chi_c Events in the HERA-B Detector
Carsten Krauss (Dissertation, Mai 2002)

Studies on CASCADE Detector Prototypes and Development of its Infrastructure
Bastian Martin Märkisch (Diplomarbeit, Oktober 2002)

Bau eines CASCADE-Neutronendetektors
Hjalmar Bruhns (Diplomarbeit, 2002)


Diffractive Jet Production in Deep-Inelastic e^+ p Collisions at HERA
Frank-Peter Schilling (Dissertation, Februar 2001)

Quantum Mechanics and Gravitation
Alexander Westphal (Diplomarbeit, Juli 2001)

Entwicklung von Straw-Detektoren fuer den Einsatz im Experiment LHCb
Jens Kessler (Diplomarbeit, Juli 2001)

Studies for neutron tomography at the Institute Laue-Langevin
Michael Schneider (Diplomarbeit, Juli 2001)

The Readout System of the HERA-B Inner Tracker and Prospects of HERA-B in the Field of Drell-Yan Physics
Wolfgang Gradl (Dissertation, Juli 2001)

Lambda-Produktion in Pb-Au-Kollisionen bei 40 A GeV
Wolfgang Schmitz (Dissertation, Juli 2001)

Ein Detektorsystem zur Messung der Neutrinoasymmetrie B im Zerfall freier Neutronen
Christian Vogel (Diplomarbeit, August 2001)

Auswirkungen systematischer Detektoreffekte auf die Messungen der tief-inelastischen /ep/-Streuung
David Emschermann (Diplomarbeit, September 2001)

Development and Test of a Radiation Hard Dual Port Static-RAM with 2.2GByte/sec Data Rate for the LHCb Outer Tracker Read Out Electronics
Andre Srowig (Diplomarbeit, Oktober 2001)


Verbesserung der Lichtauskopplung zur Messung der Neutrinoasymmetrie mit PERKEO II
Christian Plonka (Diplomarbeit, Januar 2000)

Rauschunterdrückung in der kinematischen Rekonstruktion tiefunelastischer Streuereignisse bei HERA
Timo Staudenmaier (Diplomarbeit, Januar 2000)

Suche nach Substrukturen des Quarks bei HERA
Christian Gerlich (Diplomarbeit, Februar 2000)

Untersuchungen zur Betriebssicherheit und zum Langzeitverhalten von GEM-MSGC Detektoren bei ihrem Einsatz in einem Hochratenexperiment
Christoph Werner (Diplomarbeit, Februar 2000)

Suche nach neuen Signaturen in der Elektron-Proton-Streuung bei HERA
Jochen Dingfelder (Diplomarbeit, Februar 2000)

Monitoring für das Innere Spurkammersystem von HERA-B
Verena Buchholz (Diplomarbeit, Februar 2000)

Die Slow-Control der Inneren Spurkammern bei HERA-B und Untersuchungen zu geeigneten Hochspannungs-Parametern der GEM-MSGCs
Malika Wilde (Diplomarbeit, April 2000)

Experimente zur Quantenmechanik mit ultrakalten Neutronen und Entwicklung eines neuen Detektors zum ortsaufgelösten Nachweis von thermischen Neutronen auf großen Flächen
Martin Oliver Klein (Dissertation, Juli 2000)

Development of Micro Pattern Gas detectors for High Rate Experiments
Carola Richter (Dissertation, Oktober 2000)

Aufbau einens Experiments zur Messung der Neutrinoasymmetrie im Zerfall freier Neutronen
Daniela Mund (Diplomarbeit, Dezember 2000)

Measurement of Dijet Cross Sections in Diffractive Photoproduction at HERA
Sebastian Schätzel (Diplomarbeit, Dezember 2000)


Aufbau und Inbetriebnahme eines automatisierten Gasversorgungssystems für das Innere Spurkammersystem des HERA-B Experimentes
Carsten Heiß (Diplomarbeit, Januar 1999)

Die Slow Control des HERA-B Inner Trackers und Auswertung von Testmessungen mit kompletter Auslesekette
Martin Gerlowski (Diplomarbeit, Januar 1999)

Das Auslesesystem der Inneren Spurkammern bei HERA-B
Sebastian Hausmann (Dissertation, Februar 1999)

Entwicklung und Bau der Detektoren für das Innere Spurkammersystem bei HERA-B
Malte Hildebrandt (Dissertation, April 1999)

Der Wirkungsquerschnitt des neutralen Stromes bei höchsten Impulsüberträgen in der e^- p-Streuung
Malte Ellerbrock (Diplomarbeit, Mai 1999)

Winkelkorrelationen im Zerfall polarisierter Neutronen
Jürgen C. Reich (Dissertation, November 1999)

Untersuchungen zur Partondynamik in der tiefinelastischen Streuung bei kleinem Bjorken-x: 2-Jet-Wirkungsquerschnitte und Energiefluss
Marco Werner (Dissertation, Dezember 1999)


Untersuchung von 2-Jet-Ereignissen in der diffraktiven tiefinelastischen Streuung mit dem H1-Detektor
Frank-Peter Schilling (Diplomarbeit, Januar 1998)

Weiterentwicklung, Aufbau und Test eines Resonanzspinecho-Spektrometers zum Einsatz eines Multidetektors
Wolfgang Häußler (Dissertation, April 1998)

Anderson-Lokalisierung und Hochfrequenzinduzierte Polarisation von ultrakalten Neutronen
Christina Stellmach (Dissertation, Dezember 1998)

Messung des Zweijet-Wirkungsquerschnitts in Photon-Proton-Kollisionen und Bestimmung der Gluondichte im Photon
Oliver Kaufmann (Dissertation, Dezember 1998)

Measurement of Pi^0 -Meson Cross Sections at low Bjorken-x in Deep Inelastic ep-Collisions at s^.5=300GeV
Thorsten Wengler (Dissertation, Dezember 1998)

Untersuchungen von Detektorprototypen für das innere Spurkammersystem des HERA-B Experimentes
Marcus Ziegler (Diplomarbeit, 1998)


Untersuchung von Ereignissen mit fehlendem Transversalimpuls bei HERA: Wechselwirkungen über geladene Ströme und Suche nach supersymmetrischen Teilchen
Achim Braemer (Dissertation, April 1997)

Neuere Untersuchungen von Prototypen der Gas-Microstreifen-Kammern (MSGC) des inneren Spurkammersystems des HERA-B Experiments
Carola Bresch (Diplomarbeit, Juni 1997)

Analoge Auslese- und Triggerelektronik für Mikrostreifen-Gaszähler
Boris Glass (Diplomarbeit, September 1997)

Entwicklung und Test großflächiger Mikro-Streifen-Gas-Kammern für das innere Spurkammersystem von HERA-B
Thomas Hott (Dissertation, September 1997)

Analyse harter GammaP-Ereignisse bei großem x-gamma mit dem H1-Detektor
Wolfgang Gradl (Diplomarbeit, September 1997)


Suche nach Supersymmetrie bei HERA
Stefan Scharein (Diplomarbeit, Januar 1996)

Das Rückwärtsdriftkammersystem des H1-Experiments
Bernhard Schwab (Dissertation, Juni 1996)

Untersuchung des strahlinduzierten Untergrundes bei der Datennahme von Ereignissen der tief-inelastischen Streuung durch den H1-Detektor bei HERA
Rainer Wallny (Diplomarbeit, Juli 1996)

Die Betaasymmetrie im Zerfall des freien Neutrons
Stefan Baeßler (Dissertation, Oktober 1996)


Suche nach neuen Prozessen mit hohen transversalen Energien bei HERA
Oliver Kaufmann (Diplomarbeit, Januar 1995)

Entwicklung des Steuer- und Kontrollsystems für die Rückwärtsdriftkammer "BDC" des H1-Detektors
Sebastian Hausmann (Diplomarbeit, Januar 1995)

Suche nach schweren Neutrinos bei HERA
Stefan Schmitt (Diplomarbeit, April 1995)

Bau eines Teststandes für Mikrostreifen Gaskammern unter hochreinen Gasbedingungen und Bestimmung von Betriebsparametern für die Anwendung beim Experiment HERA-B
Adrian Dilo (Diplomarbeit, Juni 1995)

Inklusive Streuquerschnitte für geladene Hadronen mit hohem Transversalimpuls in Photon-Proton Kollisionen bei HERA
Wieland Hoprich (Diplomarbeit, November 1995)

Systematische Untersuchung von Jetprofilen in harten GammaP-Streuprozessen bei HERA
Christian Schwanenberger (Diplomarbeit, 1995)


Aufbau eines Teststands zur Auslese von Testkammern für die Rueckwärtsdriftkammer "BDC" des H1-Experiments und Bestimmung von Betriebsparametern mit verschiedenen Driftgasen
Rainer Wilhelm (Diplomarbeit, Mai 1994)

Test eines Prototypen der Rueckwaerts-Driftkammer "BDC" des H1-Detektors mit einem Elektronenstrahl
Marco Werner (Diplomarbeit, Juli 1994)

Experimentelle Untersuchungen von Alterungseffekten in Zaehlrohren mit verschiedenen Driftgasen
Joachim Selke (Staatsexamensarbeit, September 1994)

Bestimmung des Streuquerschnitts fuer Photon-Proton-Prozesse mit quasireellen, direkten Photonen bei HERA
Wolfgang Walkowiak (Diplomarbeit, November 1994)

Messung der Partondichten im Photon in harten Photon-Proton-Kollisionen bei HERA
Helmut Hufnagel (Dissertation, Dezember 1994)

Experimente mit polarisierten Neutronen zu Fragen der höchstauflösenden Spektrometrie und Quantenoptik
Utz Schmidt (Dissertation, Dezember 1994)

Der Einfluss nicht-sensitiven Detektormaterials auf die Elektronenrekonstruktion im Rückwärtsbereich von H1
Martin Mechenbier (Diplomarbeit, 1994)

EDV Abteilung