2024Investigations into Momentum-Specialised Graph Neural Networks for Online Track Reconstruction in the ATLAS Event Filter Poppy Hicks (Masterarbeit, 2024)
Track Reconstruction Using Cellular Automata for the High Luminosity LHC Sachin Grupta (Masterarbeit, 2024)
2023Search for the non-resonant Vector Boson Fusion production of the Higgs boson pairs decaying to bbbb final state using the ATLAS detector Marta Maja Czury?o (Dissertation, 2023)
Measurement of the Triple-Differential Cross-Section for the Production of Multijet Events using 139 fb?1 of Proton-Proton Collision Data at ps = 13TeV with the ATLAS Detector to Disentangle Quarks and Gluons at the Large Hadron Collider Christof Sauer (Dissertation, 2023)
2022Hardware-Implementation eines Algorithmus zur Trefferauswahl in einem Triplet Track Trigger Aleem Ahmad Tariq Sheikh (Bachelorarbeit, 2022)
2020Characterization of a Monolithic Pixel Sensor Prototype in HV-CMOS Technology for the High-Luminosity LHC Adrian Herkert (Dissertation, 2020)
A Triplet Track Trigger for Future High Rate Collider Experiments Tamasi Rameshchandra Kar (Dissertation, 2020)
2019Towards a Data-Driven Simulation of QCD
Radiation with Generative Models utilizing
Machine Learning Methods. Christof Sauer (Masterarbeit, 2019)
Measurement of Differential ρ0 Photoproduction Cross-Sections at HERA Arthur E. Bolz (Dissertation, 2019)
2018Fast data acquisition for silicon tracking detectors at high rates Sebastian Dittmeier (Dissertation, 2018)
2017Search for the supersymmetric top quark partner with the HEPTopTagger algorithm in proton-proton collisions at sqrt(s) = 8 TeV with the ATLAS detector Maddalena Giulini (Dissertation, 2017)
2016Search for New Physics in the Fully Hadronic tt¯ Channel at √s = 13 TeV with the ATLAS Detector at the LHC David E. Sosa Corral (Dissertation, 2016)
2015Track Parameter Resolution Study of a Pixel Only Detector for LHC Geometry and Future High Rate Experiments Michele Piero Blago (Bachelorarbeit, 2015)
2014Top quark reconstruction using the "Buckets of tops" method in the ATLAS experiment Mathis Kolb (Masterarbeit, 2014)
Feasibility Study for the Measurement of pp → Z(e+e?) + bb ? Production in Proton-Proton Collisions at √s = 8 TeV Using a Soft Electron Tagger with the ATLAS Experiment at LHC Rohin Thampilali Narayan (Dissertation, 2014)
2013Performance Analysis of a Transceiver Chipset and Interference Control for a Wireless Detector Readout at 60GHz Jens Petersen (Bachelorarbeit, 2013)
Simulation von Datenübertragung und Beugung mit einem Raytracer Thomas Hugle (Bachelorarbeit, 2013)
Search for Resonances Decaying into Top Quark Pairs Using Fully Hadronic Decays in pp Collisions with ATLAS at √s = 7 Gregor Kasieczka (Dissertation, 2013)
Development of a Test Setup for a 60 GHz Wireless Transceiver for the ATLAS Tracker Readout Sebastian Dittmeier (Masterarbeit, 2013)
2012HEPTopTagger Parameter Optimization David E. Sosa (Masterarbeit, 2012)
2011Data Reduction at Front End Level in a Level-1 Track Trigger for the ATLAS High-Luminosity Upgrade Arno John (Diplomarbeit, 2011)
Study of the Electron Charge Flip Process at the ATLAS Detector Patricia Sauer (Diplomarbeit, 2011)
Entwicklung eines spannungsgesteuerten Oszillators (VCO) als Funktionsblock eines 60-GHz-Ein-Chip-Transceivers zur Datenauslese in Teilchendetektoren Sascha Lischer (Diplomarbeit, 2011)
2010Simulation eines L1-Spur-Triggers für ATLAS Daniel Dieter Glodeck (Bachelorarbeit, 2010)
Intelligent Filtering Algortihms for an upgraded Inner Tracker at ATLAS Sven Pirner (Bachelorarbeit, 2010)