Ruprecht Karls Universität Heidelberg


  Soldering of the 50,000 conncetors of the UV1 padplane by a student

    RICH1 radiator tank with CaF2 window

CaF2 window seen from inside

Rich1 radiator from CaF2 window side, new flaps against stray light installed

Final touch to the CaF2 window before assembly

  RICH1 ready to be moved into RICH2

Exchange of inner vessel: view of CaF2 window and UV-detector from inside radiator

Shielding of mirror surface and beam, seen from mirror side. The flaps against stray light are also visible.

Assembly of UV1 in the cleanroom

Inner flange of UV1 and meshes, window side (with protective lucite cover)

Tungsten shield backward of target, weight 40 kg

            Assembly of multiwire plane at WIS and in cleanroom

Bare UV1 padplane with 50,000 connectors, before putting modules

  RICH1 on its way to the zone

EDV Abteilung