Ruprecht Karls Universität Heidelberg


  RICH2 window: preparing to glue a quartz pane into the invar frame

  Detail of quartz window with invar frame, UV2 meshes visible

Clean room: closing the two halves of UV2: What the hell is this insect doing on the mesh?! Oh, now it went away!

    Finished UV2 gets turned to be puit on crane

UV2 completely assembled, on its way to the zone

UV2 on its way to the clean room for repair

UV2 repair in the zone, hairy!

Turning the quartz window (sits on a glass table, wooden cover)

Quartz window of RICH2 from inside radiator. The superconducting coil is still open (superinsulation visible)

Quartz window and mylar window of RICH2 from inside radiator. The outside of the mirror of RICH1 is visible behind the mylar window

    The superconducting coil (superinsulation visible) before closing the cryostat with a carbon fiber composite cover

    The padplane of RICH2 in the clean room, assessing the transport damage!

Preparing the mirror mount in the clean room

Mirror 2 (mark 1, 2) fully assembled and adjusted

Installing the mirror in RICH2

EDV Abteilung