Curriculum Vitae
- Prof. Dr. Andrė Schöning
- Profession
- Research
- Teaching
- Education
- Stipends & Awards
- Services to the Community and other Responsibilities
- Grants
- Collaborations
- Talks
- Publications
since 2009 |
Professor in the Institute of Physics at Heidelberg University |
2008 |
Scientific Assistant, University Zürich |
1999-2007 |
Scientific Assistant, ETH Zürich |
1997-1999 |
CERN Fellow |
Search for the decay μ→eee with the Mu3e Experiment at PSI |
2013-2020 |
Development of the Technical Design |
since 2012 |
Co-Spokesperson of the Mu3e-Experiment |
since 2012 |
R&D for the Mu3e-Pixel Tracker based in HV-MAPS |
2010-2012 |
Design studies and preparation of a research proposal |
Hardware Projects and New Technologies |
since 2015 |
Development of an HV-MAPS Demonstrator for future hadron colliders experiments |
since 2011 |
Development and Characterisation of High-Voltage Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors (HV-MAPS) |
since 2010 |
R&D for wireless data readout at 60 GHz |
Research at LHC (ATLAS and LHCb experiments) |
since 2011 |
Boosted Top Taging with ATLAS |
since 2010 |
Searches for new physics at ATLAS |
since 2009 |
Standard Model Physics with ATLAS |
1997-1998 |
Trigger Studies for the LHCb Experiment |
Development of Track Triggers |
since 2016 |
Hardware Track Trigger (HTT) Project at ATLAS and Development of the Pattern Recognition Mezzanine |
2011-2020 |
ASIC Development and Online Monitoring of the Fast TracKer (FTK) for ATLAS |
since 2010 |
Track trigger studies for the high luminosity upgrade (ATLAS) |
1999-2007 |
Project Leader for the Fast Track Trigger at the H1 Experiment |
Design Studies for New Colliders |
2010 |
Studies for a future Ring-Linac Z-Factory |
2005-2010 |
Studies for a future Super-Tau Factory |
Research at HERA (H1 Experiment) |
since 2010 |
QCD and Electroweak Fits |
2007-2009 |
Physics Coordinator of the H1 Collaboration |
2000-2006 |
Convener of the Beyond the Standard Model Working Group |
1992-1996 |
Electroweak Physics at the H1 Experiment at HERA (PhD thesis) |
Physics at the Large Electron Positron (LEP) collider |
1997-1998 |
Physics Beyond the Standard Model at OPAL |
since 2009 |
2012 |
Lecture Series at the BND 2012 School in Bonn |
1999-2006 |
Tutorials and courses at ETH Zurich |
1996 |
Dissertation „Study of processes with virtual and real W–bosons at the H1–Detector at HERA“ |
1993 |
Diploma thesis „Photon Radiation in Deep Inelastic Electron Proton Scattering at the H1 Experiment |
1987-1993 |
Studies of Physics at the University of Hamburg |
Services to the Community and other Responsibilites
since 2021 |
Spokesperson of the Research Unit: Suche nach Verletzung der Lepton-Familienzahl mit dem Mu3e- Experiment (DFG) |
since 2018 |
Spokesperson of the consortium: R&D Tracking (BMBF) |
since 2016 |
Co-Spokesperson of the DFG Training Group 2058: High Resolution and High Rate Detectors in Nuclear and Particle Physics (HighRR) |
since 2012 |
Co-spokesperson of the Mu3e Collaboration |
2012-2017 |
Member of the European Committee for Future Accelerators (Plenary ECFA) |
2010-2013 |
Member of the H1 Management Board |
2007-2009 |
Physics coordinator at the H1 experiment |
1999-2007 |
Project leader for the Fast Track Trigger Project at the H1 experiment |
1997-1999 |
CERN Fellowship |
1997 |
University of Hamburg (dissertation award) |
1997 |
Association of the Friends and Sponsors of DESY (dissertation award) |
2021-2025 |
"Suche nach Verletzung der Lepton-Familienzahl mit dem Mu3e- Experiment" (DFG Research Unit) |
2018-2021 |
"FIS-Projekt 05H2018 — Fortentwicklung des ATLAS-Experiments zum Einsatz am HL-LHC" (BMBF, co-applicant) |
2018-2021 |
"Nutzung und Ausbau des ATLAS-Experiments am LHC zur Prüfung des Standardmodells und seiner Grenzen" (BMBF, co-applicant) |
2018-2021 |
"Entwicklung von HV-MAPS Pixeldetektoren für Teilchenexperimente an Grossbeschleunigeranlagen" (BMBF) |
2015-2017 |
"Entwicklung eines Spurdetektors für das Mu3e-Experiment basierend auf dünnen monolithischen Pixelsensoren mit Hochspannung" (DFG Sachmittel) |
2015 |
"Supraleitender Magnet" (Forschungsgrossgerät nach Artikel 91b GG) |
2015-2018 |
"HV-MAPS Pixeldetektoren für Hochraten- Experimente mit Hadronen (HL-LHC)" (BMBF) |
2015-2018 |
"Physik bei höchsten Energien mit dem ATLAS Experiment am LHC" (BMBF) |
2015-2018 |
"Triggerabeiten für das ATLAS Experiment zum Phase II Upgrade beim LHC (BMBF, FIS)" |
2012-2015 |
"Proton-Proton-Physik bei höchsten Energien und Entwicklungen zur Verbesserung des ATLAS Detektors" (BMBF) |
2009-2012 |
"Study of Proton-Proton-Interactions with the ATLAS Detector at LHC" (BMBF) |
since 2015 |
Founding Member of the WADAPT-Collaboration (Wireless Allowing Data And Power Transmission) |
since 2012 |
Founding Member of the Mu3e-Collaboration |
since 2009 |
Member of the ATLAS-Collaboration |
1997-1999 |
Member of the OPAL-Collaboration |
1997-1999 |
Member of the LHCb-Collaboration |
since 1992 |
Member of the H1-Collaboration |
Selected Selected Talks at Conferences and Workshops
2016 |
The Mu3e Pixel Detector, Vertex2016 Conference, Isola d'Elba, September 2016, Italy. |
2016 |
A New Track Reconstruction Algorithm based on Hit Triplets and Broken Lines, Connecting the Dots Conference, Vienna, February 2016. |
2015 |
The Evolution of Track Triggers, Joint Detectors Seminar, DESY, July 2015. |
2015 |
HV-MAPS Track Triggers, 8. Terascale Detector Workshop, Berlin, March 2015. |
2014 |
Search for μ→eee at the High Intensity and Technology Frontier: The Mu3e Experiment, John Hopkins Workshop, Heidelberg, July 2014. |
2014 |
LFV Muon Decays and a New Experiment to Search for μ→eee (Mu3e), BVL2013 Workshop, Heidelberg, April 2013. |
2013 |
Future Directions in Track Triggering, 6. Terascale Detector Workshop, Mainz, March 2013. |
2012 |
A Self Seeded First Level Track Trigger for ATLAS, Workshop on Intelligent Trackers, Pisa, April 2012, Italy. |
2011 |
Präzisionsexperimente in der Teilchenphysik bei kleinen Energien, KET Jahrestagung, Bad Honnef, November 2011. |
2011 |
Proposal for an Experiment to Search for μ→eee, CHIPP2011 Jahrestagung der Schweizer Physiker, Leysin, Switzerland, September 2011. |
2010 |
A Novel Experiment for the Search of μ→eee, PSI Workshop, PSI, Switzerland. |
2010 |
Track Trigger Developments and Ideas, Helmholtz-Alliance Detector Workshop, Heidelberg 2010. |
2008 |
New Results from the H1 Experiment, DIS Workshop, UCL London, UK. |
2007 |
Electroschwache Physik bei HERA und Tevatron und die Suche nach dem Higgs Boson”, DPG Tagung Heidelberg, Germany. |
2006 |
A High Intensity Linear e+e- Collider Facility for a Tau and Psi Factory”, 9th International Workshop on Tau Lepton Physics, Pisa, Italy. |
LHC Results |
2018 |
Search for heavy particles decaying into top-quark pairs using lepton-plus-jets events in proton--proton collisions at $\sqrt{s} = 13$ TeV with the ATLAS detector, Atlas Collaboration, Eur. Phys. J. C 78 (2018) 565. |
2016 |
Precision measurement and interpretation of inclusive W+, W- and Z/gamma* production cross sections with the ATLAS detector, Atlas Collaboration, Eur.Phys.J. C77 (2017) no.6, 367. |
2016 |
Identification of high transverse momentum top quarks in pp collisions at s = 8 TeV with the ATLAS detector, Atlas Collaboration, JHEP 06 (2016) 093. |
2016 |
Measurement of W+- and Z-boson production cross sections in pp collisions at s = 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector, Atlas Collaboration, Phys. Lett. B 759 (2016) 601. |
2013 |
Search for resonances decaying into top-quark pairs using fully hadronic decays in pp collisions with ATLAS at s=7 TeV, Atlas Collaboration, JHEP 1301 (2013) 116. |
2013 |
Performance of jet substructure techniques for large-R jets in proton-proton collisions at s=7 TeV using the ATLAS detector, Atlas Collaboration, JHEP 1309 (2013) 076. |
2012 |
Determination of the strange quark density of the proton from ATLAS data on W -> lν and Z -> ll cross-sections, Atlas Collaboration, Phys.Rev.Lett. 109 (2012) 012001. |
2010 |
Measurement of the W -> lnu and Z/gamma* -> ll production cross sections in proton-proton collisions at sqrt(s) = 7 TeV with the ATLAS detector, Atlas Collaboration, JHEP 1012:060, 2010. |
HERA Results (last ten years) |
2018 |
Determination of electroweak parameters in polarised deep-inelastic scattering at HERA , H1 Collaboration, arxiv:1806.01176, submitted to Eur.Phys.J. |
2017 |
Determination of the strong coupling constant alphas(MZ) in next-to-next-to-leading order QCD using H1 jet cross section measurements , H1 Collaboration, Eur.Phys.J.C77 (2017), 791. |
2015 |
Combination of measurements of inclusive deep inelastic e+-p scattering cross sections and QCD analysis of HERA data , H1 and ZEUS Collaboration, Eur.Phys.J. C75 (2015) no.12, 580. |
2015 |
Combination of Differential D*+- Cross-Section Measurements in Deep-Inelastic ep Scattering at HERA , H1, ZEUS Collaboration, JHEP 1509 (2015) 149. |
2014 |
Measurement of inclusive ep cross sections at high Q2 at sqrt(s)= 225 and 252 GeV and of the longitudinal proton structure function FL at HERA, H1 Collaboration, Eur.Phys.J. C74 (2014) no.4, 2814. |
2011 |
Measurement of the Inclusive ep Scattering Cross Section at High Inelasticity y and of the Structure Function FL, H1 Collaboration, Eur.Phys.J. C71 (2011) 1579. |
2010 |
Combined Measurement and QCD Analysis of the Inclusive ep Scattering Cross Sections at HERA, H1 Collaboration, JHEP01 (2010) 109. |
2010 |
Inelastic Production of J/psi Mesons in Photoproduction and Deep Inelastic Scattering at HERA, H1 Collaboration, DESY-09-225, Eur.Phys.J.C68:401-420, 2010. |
2010 |
Jet Production in ep Collisions at Low Q2 and Determination of alpha_s, H1 Collaboration, DESY-09-162, Eur.Phys.J.C67:1-24, 2010. |
2010 |
Events with an Isolated Lepton and Missing Transverse Momentum and Measurement of W Production at HERA, H1 Collaboration, JHEP03 (2010) 035. |
2010 |
H1 Collaboration, „Measurement of the Charm and Beauty Structure Functions using the H1 Vertex Detector at HERA, H1 Collaboration, Eur.Phys.J. C65 (2010) 89. |
2009 |
Multi-Leptons with High Transverse Momentum at HERA, H1 Collaboration, JHEP 0910:013,2009. |
2009 |
A General Search for New Phenomena at HERA, H1 Collaboration, DESY-08-173, Phys.Lett.B674:257-268, 2009. |
Detector Physics |
2018 |
Efficiency and timing performance of the MuPix7 high-voltage monolithic active pixel sensor , H. Augustin et al. Nucl.Instrum.Meth. A902, 158 (2018) |
2017 |
Irradiation study of a fully monolithic HV-CMOS pixel sensor design in AMS 180 nm , H. Augustin et al. arxiv:1712.03921, submitted to Nucl.Instrum.Meth. |
2017 |
The MuPix System-on-Chip for the Mu3e Experiment , H. Augustin et al. Nucl.Instrum.Meth. A845 (2017) 194. |
2017 |
The MuPix Telescope: A Thin, High-Rate Tracking Telescope , H. Augustin et al. JINST 12, C01087 (2017). |
2016 |
MuPix7 - A fast monolithic HV-CMOS pixel chip for Mu3e , H. Augustin et al. JINST 11 (2016) no. 1, C11029. |
2016 |
Ultra-low material pixel layers for the Mu3e experiment , N. Berger et al. JINST 11 (2016) no.12, C12006. |
2016 |
Feasibility studies for a wireless 60 GHz tracking detector readout , S. Dittmeier, et al. Nucl.Instrum.Meth. A830 (2016) 417. |
2015 |
The MuPix high voltage monolithic active pixel sensor for the Mu3e experiment , H.Augustin et al. JINST 10 (2015) no.03, C03044. |
2014 |
The proposed trigger-less TBit/s readout for the Mu3e experiment , S.Bachmann et al. JINST 9 (2014) C01011. |
2014 |
60 GHz wireless data transfer for tracker readout systems-first studies and results , S. Dittmeier, et al. JINST 9 (2014) no.11, C11002. |
2013 |
High-voltage pixel detectors in commercial CMOS technologies for ATLAS, CLIC and Mu3e experiments , I.Peric et al. Nucl.Instrum.Meth. A731 (2013) 131. |
2013 |
Research Proposal for an Experiment to Search for the Decay μ -> eee , A.Blondel et al. PSI Research Proposal (2012) [arxiv:1301.6113v1]. |
2012 |
Multi-Gigabit Wireless data transfer at 60 GHz , H. K. Soltveit, R. Brenner, A. Schoning and D. Wiedner, JINST 7, C12016 (2012). |
2011 |
Variable Resolution Associative Memory , A. Annovi et al. , Conf. Proc. C110606. 6X 2011, 1 (2011). |
Track Reconstruction and Track Triggers |
2017 |
A New Three-Dimensional Track Fit with Multiple Scattering , N. Berger, M. Kiehn, A. Kozlinskiy, A. Schoning, Nucl.Instrum.Meth. C844 (2017) 135. |
2016 |
A New Track Reconstruction Algorithm suitable for Parallel Processing based on Hit Triplets and Broken Lines , A. Schoning, EPJ Web Conf. 127 (2016) 00015. |
2014 |
Multiple Coulomb Scattering in Thin Silicon , N. Berger et al. , JINST 9 P07007 (2014). |
2014 |
Three-Dimensional Triplet Tracking for LHC and Future High Rate Experiments , A. Schoning, JINST 9 (2014) no.10, C10025. |
2012 |
A self seeded first level track trigger for ATLAS , A. Schoning et al. , JINST 7, C10010 (2012). |
2006 |
The Fast Track Trigger at the H1 experiment design concepts and algorithms , A. Schoning, Nucl.Instrum.Meth. A566 (2006) 130. |
2004 |
A fast track trigger for the H1 collaboration , A. Schoning, Nucl.Instrum.Meth. A518 (2004) 542-543. |
2002 |
A Multifunctional processing board for the fast track trigger of the H1 experiment, D.Meer et al., IEEE Trans.Nucl.Sci.49:357-361, 2002. |
2001 |
A Fast high resolution track trigger for the H1 experiment, A. Baird et al. , IEEE Trans.Nucl.Sci.48:1276-1285, 2001. |
Other Publications |
2015 |
Photoproduction of pi+ pi- pairs in a model with tensor-pomeron and vector-odderon exchange, A.Bolz, C.Ewerz, M.Maniatis, O.Nachtmann, M.Sauter, A.Schoning JHEP 1501 (2015) 151. |
2013 |
The New F_L Measurement from HERA and the Dipole Model, C.Ewerz, A.Manteuffel, O.Nachtmann, A.Schoning Phys.Lett. B720 (2013) 181. |
2008 |
The LHCb Detector at the LHC, LHCb Collaboration, JINST 3:S08005, 2008. |
2007 |
A high intensity linear e+ e- collider for a tau-charm factory, A. Schoning, Nucl.Phys.Proc.Suppl. 169 (2007) 387. |
2000 |
Search for unstable heavy and excited leptons at LEP-2, OPAL Collaboration , CERN-EP-99-169, Eur.Phys.J.C14:73-84, 2000. |