Standard Model
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Introduction to the Standard Model of Particle Physics

Lecture notes, material collection, further reading ...
Date Content Material
12.04. Introduction  
14.04. Introduction to Field Theory
Kinematic, From QM to QFT, Classical free scalar field
19.04. Quantisation of the free scala field, Time and normal ordering Wick's theorem.
Interacting fields and perturbation theory
Additonal material: exercise sheet 2
21.04. S-Matrix, transition amplitudes, transition rates
Spin 1/2 fields, Dirac equation
26.04. Solutions of the Dirac Eq., Chriality and Helicity
Quantisation of Dirac fields
28.04. Quantum Electrodynamics
Quantisation of electro-magnetic field
03.05. QED Lagrangian  
05.05. QED perturbation theory: Feynman rules and e+e- to mu+mu-  
09.05. Experimental tests of QED
From the matrix element to the measurement
e+e- annihilation
11.05. Anomalous magnetic moment  
17.05. Phenomenology of weak interaction
Weak decays, parity violation and neutrino helicity
19.05. V-A structure of weak currents  
26.05. Electroweak Theory
1) Abelian Gauge Theories
31.05. 2) Problem of massive gauge fields
3) Spontaneous symmetry breaking
02.06. Higgs meachanism  
07.06. 4) Standard Model of electro-weak interaction  
09.06. Lepton masses  
14.06. Tests of the electro-weak Theory
Dicovery of W and Z bosons
Precision tests of the Z sector
16.06. Couplings to Z boson
Test of the W sector
21.06. Higgs searches
Quark masses in the SM
23.06. CKM Matrix
Discrete symmetries: P, C and T
28.06. Neutrino masses  
30.06. Neutrino masses and global symmetries in the SM
Quantum Chromo Dynamics (QCD)
1) Symmetries and Inteaction
05.07. Pheonmenology of CKM Matrix, Meson oscillation and CP violation  
07.07. Neutrino oscillation  
12.07. 2) Renormalization
3) Running coupling
14.07. Running alphas
Outlook - Problems of the Standard Model
19.07. Experimental tests of QCD  

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