CERES photos
This page is just starting up, so come back for more soon.
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Setup 94, with multiplicity detector, view with beam
Views of the experiment
The magnet and RICH2 radiator vessel in the zone
Radiator and Magnet Assembly 1990
RICH1 radiator tank with CaF2 window
RICH1 on its way to the zone
Clean room: closing the two halves of UV2
UV2 completely assembled, on its way to the zone
Mirror 2 (mark 2) fully assembled and adjusted
The RICH mirrors
RICH1 module mark 1, 2 RICH2/Pad chamber module
Readout electronics
The Second-Level Trigger Processor - a 15,488 processor array - and its father
The Second-Level Trigger
92 SiDD with amplifier cards (360 channels
96 SiDD, one of the two detectors. The amplifier chips are on the other side
Silicon drift detectors
The pad chamber installed at the mirror end of RICH2, no modules mounted yet
Padchamber - added 1994
Snapshots of computer screen
Some early event displays with Cherenkov rings
4 pancakes (two-layer coil sections) ready to go into coil 1
TPC magnet construction and assembly at JINR, Dubna, 1997
The magnet arrives from Dubna
Installation in the zone
The TPC Magnet at CERN
preamplifier ASIC chip (16 channels)
TPC electronics
TPC equipped with FEE boards leaving the clean room
soon more of CERES history !!!