Lecture: High Energy Frontier - Recent Results from the LHC ((WS 12/13))
Specicalisation Lecture (2SWS lecture) 2 LP/CP
Dr. Ralf Averbeck (R.Averbeck “@” gsi.de) , Prof. Andre Schoening (schoening “@” physi.uni-heidelberg.de), Dr. Jeroen Van Tilburg (jeroen.van.tilburg “@” cern.ch)
Master Courses MKEP1 (Particle Physics) and/or MVHE3 (Standard Model)
the course is divided into three blocks of lectures:
The High Energy Frontier at ATLAS + CMS
Heavy Ion Physics at ALICE
Heavy Flavour Physics at LHCb
This lectures deals with current research topics at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and covers the three main topics.
High Energy Frontier,Part I
ATLAS and CMS are Multi-Purpose experiments, designed and constructed to discover the predicted Higgs-boson and to search for New Physics beyond the Standard Model of Particle Physics. The lecture will summarize the most recent results of the Higgs searches including the recent discovery of the Higgs-like particle. In addition selected results obtained in the search for Physics Beyond the Standard Model are summarized.
Heavy Ions, Part II
ALICE is the experiment at the LHC dedicated to the investigation of nucleus-nucleus collisions at the high-energy frontier. In such collisions a Quark-Gluon Plasma, the strongly interacting phase of matter which filled the universe for a few microseconds after the Big Bang is produced. In this course, the physics of ultra-relativistic heavy-ion collisions will be introduced and recent results from the LHC will be discussed. Topics include:
global observables in heavy-ion collisions
thermodynamics of the Quark-Gluon Plasma
relativistic hydrodynamics and initial conditions
evolution of the Quark-Gluon Plasma and collective flow
electromagnetic probes
high momentum probes (jets)
heavy quarks and quarkonia
Heavy Flavour Physics, Part III
In this course recent results obtained be LHCb and their theoretical impact in heavy flavour physics are highlighted and discussed. The following topics will be treated:
beauty and charm decays
physics of neutral meson mixing
types of CP violation
penguin decays and their sensitivity to new particles
flavour-changing neutral currents
Rare decays
Dates: Thursday 14:15-16:00 Place: Conference 1-3 , INF 226
Date |
Topic Thursday (Link) |
Lecturer |
18.10.12 |
A.Schöning |
25.10.12 |
A.Schöning |
01.11.12 |
Fronleichnam |
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08.11.12 |
A.Schöning |
15.11.12 |
A.Schöning |
22.11.12 |
R.Averbeck |
29.11.12 |
R.Averbeck |
06.12.12 |
A.Schöning |
13.12.12 |
R.Averbeck |
20.12.12 |
R.Averbeck |
10.01.13 |
J.Van Tilburg |
17.01.13 |
J.Van Tilburg |
24.01.13 |
J.Van Tilburg |
31.01.13 |
Heavy Flavor IV (+ examination) |
J.Van Tilburg |
07.02.13 |
spare |
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Literature |